Forum Discussion

juliusgulius's avatar
12 years ago

Items that create the most lag/crashes?

I just found a solution! No town will ever lag again with this! STOP MAKING YOUR TOWN LOOK UGLY WITH HOUSE FARMS.
  • DohMoe, you seem to be challenged in reading comprehension. Thanks for the attempt at a thoughtful response though. *pats head* You can go back to eating paint chips now.
  • This little Halloween fence maze significantly contributed to my lag. The second pic is the tail-end of my pumpkin message, where you can see the size of the letters (not over-the-top huge) in relation to the size of the houses.

  • Thanks, nettangel! I wanted to make it larger, but the game didn't agree with my plans.

    Sorry to hear you had to take a break. I hope the expiration of the Halloween theme does indeed help you with that.. I'll be happy to have the saucer removed from the sky, as I didn't purchase the ray gun. It's getting a wee bit annoying, haha.

    Yeah, I was aware of the "friends visiting" lag/boot. I keep downsizing my list, but always end up maxing out again as I meet new people.

    Thanks for the response. :)

    I'm still curious about the size of decorations versus the lag they generate, if anyone happens to know.

    Happy Friday/Saturday, all.