Forum Discussion

bettyumu's avatar
11 years ago

I've been ripped off.

can't see the arrow.
  • My honest opinion is they should do another small update that takes the wheel and the cmunity prizes away from the game. Put the community and wheel prizes in the personal prize tasks, and we can all forget this ever happened.
    Then maybe we can all have a fighting chance.

    On the other hand I would hope they get the Christmas spirit and on Christmas mornin just give us all the prizes instead of this Scrooge like behaviour they have going on
  • maciesdad wrote:
    My honest opinion is they should do another small update that takes the wheel and the cmunity prizes away from the game. Put the community and wheel prizes in the personal prize tasks, and we can all forget this ever happened.
    Then maybe we can all have a fighting chance.

    On the other hand I would hope they get the Christmas spirit and on Christmas mornin just give us all the prizes instead of this Scrooge like behaviour they have going on

    Laudable suggestion, but unfair on those who have spent donuts on spin tokens for the wheel.

    Some of the items on the wheel (the snowmen) are available to buy for donuts already. I'd like to see them give away all the lights, as they were mostly available last year, and they're integral to the Christmas theming. I suspect the character skins would cost donuts rather than being given away, though.
  • Arlandria606 wrote:
    maciesdad wrote:
    My honest opinion is they should do another small update that takes the wheel and the cmunity prizes away from the game. Put the community and wheel prizes in the personal prize tasks, and we can all forget this ever happened.
    Then maybe we can all have a fighting chance.

    On the other hand I would hope they get the Christmas spirit and on Christmas mornin just give us all the prizes instead of this Scrooge like behaviour they have going on

    Laudable suggestion, but unfair on those who have spent donuts on spin tokens for the wheel.

    Some of the items on the wheel (the snowmen) are available to buy for donuts already. I'd like to see them give away all the lights, as they were mostly available last year, and they're integral to the Christmas theming. I suspect the character skins would cost donuts rather than being given away, though.

    While my suggestion is somewhat tongue in cheek, I am also somewhat serious. And I am one of the ones that has paid for wheel spins... 350 donuts worth. So while I see what you mean that it would be unfair, by the looks at the picture in the op, it's not really fair to begin with.
  • lyle_catcliffe wrote:
    Arlandria606 wrote:
    lyle_catcliffe wrote:
    Arlandria606 wrote:
    lyle_catcliffe wrote:
    beeblebrox900 wrote:
    While it is a bit sucky, of course the position of the pointer is not the determining factor as to what you win (like it would be on a real wheel) its merely a graphical representation of a random number generator. You probably lost out by a decimal point, which of course is no comfort at all ;)

    Jeez. It's mental the length these logic defiers will go in order to defend EA.

    It's not "defending EA" to point out that software works differently from a physical wheel.

    I agree it's not on, but you have the problem backwards. A real wheel stopping there should give you the building, but in this situation, the wheel is just a visual representation of code. It's not correct to show the wheel stopping on the wrong won item, but that doesn't change which item "should" have been won.

    Regardless of which is the cause, it does suck, and it shouldn't be happening.

    What? You're still wrong. You've just explicitly agreed with me. So yes, it *IS* EA's fault that the graphic doesn't match the result- it's lazy programming and op *should* have won Claus Co. as represented in the image. Jeeeeeeezus Chrust.

    Please explain to me exactly how a bunch of pixels, rather than the code, dictate what a piece of software does.

    Please also explain how someone is "still" wrong when making their first comment on a particular topic.

    I) because the picture should reflect the result! If it really did randomly generate it's probability to be the gift tokens, why does it clearly show the spinner landed on Claus Co? It's simple. So simple. Fair enough, the code says otherwise- why hasn't it been programmed to show it then? The coded numbers reflect the degrees of a circle... it can be coded that way graphically.

    II) Because you believed it before you felt the need to explain yourself.

    Nothing in your response to my first question answers the question. This is because the only answer to that question is "it doesn't".

    I think you need to re-read my original post. At no point did I say that it was correct for the wheel to not represent the result. My point was that the result is not determined by the wheel, but that the displayed wheel is determined by the result. I readily acknowledge that the discrepancy is a bug, and a very disappointing one at that.

    As for the second point, I think what you meant to say is "I wasn't paying attention and in a blind rage of wrongness thought you were someone else". At least, that's the only viable explanation I can come up with, since yours makes zero sense. Unless you think everyone replies to posts by typing and then seeing what word salad comes out, rather than considering the topic, forming an opinion / conclusion, and then sharing it.

    Oh, and, FYI: "believe" refers to holding an opinion that cannot be proven. My statements regarding how the wheel works were not opinion; they are fact, based on the way software works, and the source code I've seen relating to the wheel. As such I don't need to "believe" them; I "know" them.
  • maciesdad wrote:
    Arlandria606 wrote:
    maciesdad wrote:
    My honest opinion is they should do another small update that takes the wheel and the cmunity prizes away from the game. Put the community and wheel prizes in the personal prize tasks, and we can all forget this ever happened.
    Then maybe we can all have a fighting chance.

    On the other hand I would hope they get the Christmas spirit and on Christmas mornin just give us all the prizes instead of this Scrooge like behaviour they have going on

    Laudable suggestion, but unfair on those who have spent donuts on spin tokens for the wheel.

    Some of the items on the wheel (the snowmen) are available to buy for donuts already. I'd like to see them give away all the lights, as they were mostly available last year, and they're integral to the Christmas theming. I suspect the character skins would cost donuts rather than being given away, though.

    While my suggestion is somewhat tongue in cheek, I am also somewhat serious. And I am one of the ones that has paid for wheel spins... 350 donuts worth. So while I see what you mean that it would be unfair, by the looks at the picture in the op, it's not really fair to begin with.

    The wheel isn't being "unfair" - the game is just misleading you as to what you've won. In some cases, that's a good thing (if it shows a "bad" prize when you've actually won a "good" one) and in some, like this one, it's vice versa. The "fairness" is determined by the odds, not the graphic. It certainly feels unfair, and it's certainly a nasty bug, but the code behind it is behaving properly. This also seems to be a pretty rare occurrence - I've only seen a couple of mentions of this happening, and - although anecdotes don't prove anything - I've seen as many comments where it's been a good thing rather than a bad one.

    The fact is, the wheel is a game of chance. Some people will do better from it than others. The best EA can do now is to release a fix so that the correct result is displayed; what's done is done, there's no solution that's fair to everyone.
  • conalmcainsh wrote:
    LPNintendoITA wrote:
    conalmcainsh wrote:
    Although this has happened to me more than once, I'm more concerned that he is calling Claus co. a rocky mountain!
    its not a mountain its a tall skyscrapper almost as tall as king homer one

    Are you illiterate? Sorry to be rude but clearly I know that as I was mocking the OP for that exact reason...

    Oh no, I was ripped off by EA and "mocked" by ConalMCainish.

    How will I cope?

    P.s I know it's Claus Co but it looks like a Rocky Mountain *sigh*
  • The wheel visualization is wrong which of course is causing everyone to rage. So basically disregard wheel and simply pay attention to what it says you won until EA fixes it (Ha! lol).

    Arrow said I won Mr. Plow but I got Bart snowman, so I went from cool skin to muddy stick snowman which I found hilarious. Either way I wasn't miffed too much but I also haven't bought tons of coins like some people.