Forum Discussion

jasonmaxha254's avatar
12 years ago

max friend glitch?

jasonmaxha254 wrote:
I have started adding friends (after finding this forum) and my phone is telling me I have reached the maximum friend limit. I have 60, but am seeing posts here that the max is actually 100.

how can I enable the rest?

You will get a similar alert if the person you are adding has 100 friends.

4 Replies

  • I am on android, where i see 20 pages of 3 friends each plus 1 page of 2 friends and the empty town to tap and add friends

    I do not see anything that says "Friends without TSTO"

    edit: i received some new requests and was able to add those. it appears the issue was the other people had reached max capacity, not me. thanks sherryt07, you were right :)
  • jasonmaxha254 wrote:
    I am on android, where i see 20 pages of 3 friends each plus 1 page of 2 friends and the empty town to tap and add friends

    I do not see anything that says "Friends without TSTO"

    I don't know for certain as I play on iOS but I've seen many people post about this that they get stuck at 50-60 friends on Android.
  • jasonmaxha254 wrote:
    I am on android, where i see 20 pages of 3 friends each plus 1 page of 2 friends and the empty town to tap and add friends

    I do not see anything that says "Friends without TSTO"

    edit: i received some new requests and was able to add those. it appears the issue was the other people had reached max capacity, not me. thanks sherryt07, you were right :)

    I was right!! Doesn't happen often, just ask my teenage daughter. :mrgreen: