Forum Discussion

benjnbail1914's avatar
8 years ago

Multiplayer items

I wish there was a way to trade our multiplier items for one big multiplier item
EG i have tons of benches w/towel, green dumpsters, jet bikes, apple/orange trees etc all with a small multiplier boost of 0.25-2%, I'd like to be able to trade them for something big of the same multiplier boost.
Why have 400 items with a 0.25% boost when you can trade them all for 1 100% item
  • "I think they're more likely to program all items to count, whether in inventory or not."
    I would hate this, I need my multiplier to not include what is in my inventory.
  • Why would anyone need that? (Are we talking about the same thing?)
  • I presume that jamesj9371 is talking about owning so many multiplier items that it becomes a burden, i.e. gets in the way of game play too much.
  • I suspect @jamesj9371 read the idea to mean that items in inventory would count towards your item count, but @simp7fan meant it would count towards your bonus %.

    As terrific as it would be, I don't imagine EA would ever implement it because of how it could, and let's face it, would be abused. The only thing remotely constraining donut farming is the inventory limit (says the guy with 3500+ flags)

    I'd be happy even with a middle ground, where bonus % items could be grouped together to open up land for design, but still counted all of them towards inventory count. It would free up space without creating infinite inventory of % items.
  • Yeah, that's probably what they thought.

    You're right, too, about the limit.
  • That's a great concept. Maybe something like a machine you drop items into and it eats them up and adds a bonus to a billboard that shows how much of a bonus you have.
  • Yea, love the idea but can see the runaway abuse.
    Would be funny to trade in say 100-.25% flags and wind up with some crazy hard to work around item that's 25% item. Not as many items, end up with the same multiplier but takes up more space and is ugly.
    Somehow, that's how I see that ending up. Lol (no offense ea, but.....)
    I'll keep the flags :p >:)
  • "jamesj9371;1592037" wrote:
    "I think they're more likely to program all items to count, whether in inventory or not."
    I would hate this, I need my multiplier to not include what is in my inventory.

    I never thought about that. They then need to also allow us to sell our inventory. Every time something automatically goes into inventory I panic and yell out noooooooooooooooooo! It's a huge waste of time and a giant headache.