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LPNintendoITA's avatar
10 years ago

Muscular Marge ***WALKTHROUGH***

Gil Deal

Gil: Hey, ladies! If you’ve ever wanted to exercise without the oppressive eye of social judgement getting you down, have I got a deal for you!
Marge: Hmm, it sounds like this business is making money off female confidence issues…
Gil: It sure is!
Marge: Then sign me up!

Offer Declined

Gil: Really? But this is the only gym where women get to work out behind curtains.

Offer Accepted

Gil: Congratulations! You own a branch of a passe’women’s fitness chain!
System Message: Play through the questline to unlock the Muscular Marge outfit and two animated jobs!

Too Big to Fail Pt. 1

Marge starts

Marge: There's a new Shapes Gym in town! Boy, do I have some muscle memories from there…
Homer: Marge, please. This is a bigger, unhealthier version of the body I was born with. You're going to have to accept it.
Marge: It's not for you, Homer. It's a women's gym that I was thinking of visiting.
Homer: Okay. Just don't get all super-ripped and muscular like you did that one time.
Marge: Don't worry, I won't.

Task: Make Marge Get Super-Ripped and Muscular at Shapes
Time: 8h
Location: Shapes

Too Big to Fail Pt. 2

Homer starts

Homer: Marge! Where were you? Out not making dinner probably…
Muscular Marge: Actually I was doing some circuits with the gals at Shapes. It really breathed new life into me!
Homer: I knew it! I can see the tone in your biceps, the extra lift in your *! Your *, Marge!
Muscular Marge: Homer, those are all good things. I'll make us a healthy salad, and then I'm going back to the gym for weight training.
Homer: Salad?! So you can get big and I can't?

Task: Make Muscular Marge Go to the Gym
Time: 12h
Location: Shapes
Task: Make Homer Worry About His Wife
Time: 12h
Location: Simpson Home

Too Big to Fail Pt. 3

Homer starts

Homer: Marge... you're a hero! MY hero!
Homer: Let's get you home and put you straight into a muscle soak!
Homer: It's time I finally take an interest in my wife's life…
Homer: By telling her what to do with it! Marge, no more working out!
Mugger: No sudden moves, pal. Hand over all your cash.
Homer: Cash? Who even carries that anymore.
Mugger: Fine, then hand over your credit cards.
Homer: I don't use those either. I got this new e-pay thing on my phone.
Mugger: Fine. Then hand over your phone.
Homer: Aah! I'm being mugged!
Muscular Marge: Hands off my Homie, you millennial mugger!

Task: Make Marge Beat Up a Mugger
Time: 1h

System Message: You've unlocked the "Beat Up a Mugger" job for Muscular Marge!

Too Big to Fail Pt. 4

Homer starts

Moe: So Midge basically saved your life, huh?
Homer: Yeah. First she went to town on this mugger. Then she went to town on me... in bed.
Homer: Actually it wasn't even in bed. I'd forgotten you could do that kind of stuff not in bed.
Moe: Well, I hope you got her to buy you dinner after.
Homer: What are you implying?
Lenny: I think what Moe's saying is that it sounds like Marge is wearing the pants now... so I guess you're wearing the dress!
Homer: How dare you! If that happened, it happened in the privacy of our bedroom but not in our bed!
Homer: Marge! Get down to Moe's! I'm being mugged by every single person here! Especially Lenny!
Lenny: Wha?

Task: Make Muscular Marge Instigate a Bar Brawl
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern
Requires: Homer

Too Big to Fail Pt. 5

Homer starts

Homer: Now that Marge is a gym rat, I have my own bodyguard. I feel like a pop star, or a second-rate politician!
Homer: Apu, my good man, I will have one of your finest mostly-meat hot dogs!
Apu: I am afraid I just sold the last one.
Homer: To who? That guy over there eating the last hot dog?
Homer: Marge! I'm being attacked by a guy with a hot dog!

Task: Make Muscular Marge "Defend" Homer
Time: 8h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart
Requires: Homer

Too Big to Fail Pt. 6

Marge starts

Muscular Marge: Homie, have you noticed a change in our dynamic since I started working out?
Homer: Me? Notice? Change? Dynamic?
Muscular Marge: I've been fighting so many of your battles, and I'm worried it's emasculating. So I've decided to quit the gym.
Homer: But Marge! Who's going to open jars around here? Or beat strangers to a pulp?
Muscular Marge: I get it, I'm stepping on your toes! It's time things go back to the way they were.
Homer: But before I let these muscles atrophy, why don't we lock ourselves in Moe's keg closet one last time?
Homer: You had me at muscles atrophy.

Task: Make Muscular Marge Instigate a Bar Snuggle
Time: 24h
Location: Simpson House
Requires: Homer

System Message: You've unlocked the "Instigate a Bar Brawl" job for Muscular Marge!

  • Too Big to Fail Pt. 1

    Marge starts

    Task: Make Marge Get Super-Ripped and Muscular at Shapes
    Time: 8h
    Location: Shapes

    unlock_marge_muscularMuscular Marge Unlock

    Too Big to Fail Pt. 2

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Muscular Marge Go to the Gym
    Time: 12h
    Location: Shapes
    Task: Make Homer Worry About His Wife
    Time: 12h
    Location: Simpson Home

    Too Big to Fail Pt. 3

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Marge Beat Up a Mugger
    Time: 1h

    Too Big to Fail Pt. 4

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Muscular Marge Instigate a Bar Brawl
    Time: 4h
    Location: Moe's Tavern
    Requires: Homer

    Too Big to Fail Pt. 5

    Homer starts

    Task: Make Muscular Marge "Defend" Homer
    Time: 8h
    Location: Kwik-E-Mart
    Requires: Homer

    Too Big to Fail Pt. 6

    Marge starts

    Task: Make Muscular Marge Instigate a Bar Snuggle
    Time: 24h
    Location: Simpson House
    Requires: Homer