Forum Discussion

morganbaby1016's avatar
12 years ago

My husband was right....

How long will it take you to save up? It's only a two-day save for me to get from nothing to having enough.

Plus, if they push a new level with the Christmas update, the price may go down... Then you would be better off for having waited!
  • Too funny Morgan. :) At least those new houses will earn cash to help you save up for Channel 6!
  • I'm good, besides a few glitches here and there, mines still running pretty smoothly. He's still a relatively new model, although I did have to have him refurbished at one point. And of course I've added a few improvements myself. No returns, no exchanges!
  • How much income does this husband generate? Does he have a two hour task? How many donuts does ithis husband cost?
  • dcline414 wrote:
    How long will it take you to save up? It's only a two-day save for me to get from nothing to having enough.

    Plus, if they push a new level with the Christmas update, the price may go down... Then you would be better off for having waited!

    Probably by next morning, if I still do one hour tasks and an 8 hour one while I sleep. I might just wait until the update though.

    When I blew all my money on the post office It took me forever to save up to get Krabapples apartment and it costed me a lot of money and I think the day after there was an update where the price went down.
  • ur_wack452 wrote:
    How much income does this husband generate? Does he have a two hour task? How many donuts does ithis husband cost?

    Lol! He won't cost you any donuts to buy but watch out after you have him, some might disappear :) He only has one task not a two hour but an awesome 8 hour task called "Watch Every Sport Invented" that will net you empty beer cans instead of money :)

    * I'm just kidding, even my husbands not this bad! *
  • Great we can go on a beer drinking and sporting event task and earn ourselves hangovers and empty pockets
  • josh4908 wrote:
    Omg a woman admitted her man was right. Someone get Kent Brockman for the exclusive!

    I'm admitting it here and not to his face so he will never reap the enjoyment of knowing...
  • morganbaby1016 wrote:
    josh4908 wrote:
    Omg a woman admitted her man was right. Someone get Kent Brockman for the exclusive!

    I'm admitting it here and not to his face so he will never reap the enjoyment of knowing...

    Oh good, we must preserve our stubborn reputation! Why? Because that's the stubborn thing to do!