iain51269522 wrote:
Surely there should now be springfield heights train station?
Like this?
i put the Mall-O-Rail there ages ago because the palm trees seemed to mandate it. Then I left the rail to look perpetually under construction, a project that will never be finished.
This was motivated by my understanding of local Atlanta politics with regard to public transportation. Many people want the rail (MARTA) to be extended into more suburbs. But some people don't want the rails extended, citing it will "bring crime" to their community. More bluntly, the rich white racists don't want those poor black criminals to have easy access to their part of town.
It's kinda disgusting. But the rich take care of their own, and so they're spending all our transit dollars on "Lexus Lanes". They convert carpool "HOV" lanes into ones which require a special subscription card and they charge a price per mile that increases as traffic gets worse. They're great for people who's business reimburses their travel expenses, but the rest of us get to sit and rot. A 20 minute trip takes 2 hours in rush hour here. NOT joking.
The hegemony is in control, as always. Apologies for the rant.