Forum Discussion

RobDaniel76's avatar
12 years ago

Neighbor questions...

Good questions. I think those are found throughout in many different threads, but I know I have had problems with the search feature not always turning up useful information.

1) Why are many neighbor buildings not "tappable?" I assume they follow some sort of schedule like the ones in my home town, but do they take as long to turn over?

It all depends on when the neighbor tapped that building last and if it has gone through its time to earn again. Once that time has passed and the neighbor has not tapped to collect you are able to tap it.

2) When I tap my own buildings, does that make them untappable for my neighbor visitors until they cycle back through?


3) Is it better to tap a house, vandalize or clean up vandalized buildings? What is most beneficial to the neighbor? Are any actions more beneficial to me?

My opinion and I know shared by many, but the best thing to do is to vandalize, this will allow the four buildings that do not earn anything to give money to the neighbor when they clean it. As far as cleaning them up, I know I looked in previous threads whether the owner gets the money, and frankly I was not clear on it. Maybe someone else can chime in, but I avoid it now. If there is nothing to vandalize I tap one of the buildings that takes longer to regenerate itself, but that is just me.

4) I always try to do all my neighbor tapping in one session, as advised in many threads. Does the order I go in make a difference if I'm not going to do the whole tap-leave-return routine? Should I always start with biggest/highest rated towns?

The order does not matter after you tap your first place, to my knowledge, I could be wrong, it happened once before. What does matter is the first place you tap basically sets what your starting point is and from there you keep going up. So yes, picking a neighbor with more premium items will start you at a higher point. One thing that is not being looked upon friendly is tapping into the neighbors town multiple times before tapping the buildings so as to increase the starting amount. Basically this can cause your neighbor to crash.

5) Do you have any other tips for making your town helpful for neighbors? How about tips for what to do to help neighbors when you visit?

I like to have my buildings that I want vandalized close to the center of my town so when the neighbor comes in they are easily accessible. You will find different styles of playing from the farming to only one of each type of building. Whatever you enjoy just enjoy it, and generally it is better to have friends of a similar play style that will appreciate your SF.

Just my two cents on all of this.

  • xrobotlove wrote:
    Wonderfully helpful answers, mdfriend. Very thorough and well-worded, I'm glad this information is in all place for future searchings!

    The only two cents I can contribute is- I have a list of the neighbors with multiple premium decorations + Springfield sign to tell me who to start off with. I go through them first and then go through the towns with just the Springfield sign, and then go through everyone else. My last tap is usually like $700 or something. I'm plenty happy with that.

    That's awfully organized of you. Is it an actual physical list, or have you found a way of organizing your Springfields by sonething other than alphabetically by neighbor?