theslayer369 wrote:
Sorry for being stupid, but what do you mean by hoarding neighbour visits, I tap every morning regardless of events or not. so Whats the difference?
You're not stupid, grasshopper, just inexperienced in the ways of Tap Fu. ;-)
What they're talkin about here is that since it is so close to the start of Issue 2, instead of tapping open neighbors now, they wait until Issue 2 starts so that when they tap their neighbors all the rewards will be in the Issue 2 currency (Pie Bombs rather than Issue 1 currency, Carbon Rods). This is because they've already gotten all 3 Carbon Rod -based prizes from Issue 1 and don't really need to collect CR any more. And by waiting until the start of I2 to tap neighbors, they get to start off this portion of the event with a bounty of I2 currency to get them to their prizes that much faster than if they had to wait an additional 24 hours before tapping neighbors.
The same logic is applicable to the issue of "hoarding felons" ... they simply mean don't kill felons while still in Issue 1 because they don't need carbon rods. Wait until I2 starts so that killing felons will reward them with Pie Bombs.
Good Luck!