Forum Discussion

richardaca969's avatar
11 years ago

neighbour visit notification

I'm android. I used to get them periodically. Now I dont. I'm sure its in the settings, but I didnt change them.
  • richardaca969 wrote:
    Ive been playing since christmas and have, for the first time ever, just now got a notification telling me ive had a neighbour visit.

    Anyone else had this? Im on android, seems weird to have only just got it now. Is there a way to turn that notification off?

    I'm on IOS, and it an be done, so I think android can turn notifications too.

    Open the build menu (the one with the saw and hammer ) tap on the "i" it should open the options
    menu, and turn off push notifications.
  • richardaca969 wrote:
    Ive been playing since christmas and have, for the first time ever, just now got a notification telling me ive had a neighbour visit.

    Anyone else had this? Im on android, seems weird to have only just got it now. Is there a way to turn that notification off?
    There's a little tiny letter "i" (for information) that I believe can be located in the top right of the build menu. It's where you can control SFX volume, as well as turn off push notifications. Now here's the kicker, since you mentioned you're an Android tapper (as am I). I've mentioned in previous posts about this very same problem, that although I do indeed have push notifications turned OFF, every so often I will receive one. Weird enough in and of itself, but the people who are supposedly visiting me are not only NOT my neighbors, but are names of "players" who I have never HAD as neighbors. EVER. The last thread about this problem I commented in, the OP was concerned someone else was accessing their town. As near as I can tell this is not the case with the phantom names, either that or I've been ridiculously lucky, as I haven't come back to a decimated town. If when I check my town a little bit later I find the menu in a different location, I'll correct my statement, but just don't be terribly shocked if even after you turn the notifications off, the possibility remains that you might still encounter a phantom.
  • Besides doing the notifications off inside the game, as people have already said, also do this...
    Go to your android application manager. Find TSTO. Click on it. This should bring up options which should include one to turn off notifications for TSTO.

  • So I turned it off, and now get nothing BUT notification of friend visits. Plus, I just got one on game. Weird.
  • montmorencyj wrote:
    Hi, newbie here! Can anyone confirm if there's a way to turn on friend notifications on ios devices? I get alerts on completed tasks, crops, dog races, etc., but nothing for friend visits. I'm on an iPad2 with ios 7.1.2.

    I'm suffering from the missing handshake bug and it would be really useful to know who's actually visiting. It's been getting worse over the last few days and have had zero handshakes in the last 14-16 hours.

    And apologies to any friends who might not be seeing my visits, I do do them every day.

    Open the build menu (the one with the saw and hammer ) tap on the "i" it should open the options
    menu, and turn ON push notifications.
  • richardaca969 wrote:
    So I turned it off, and now get nothing BUT notification of friend visits. Plus, I just got one on game. Weird.

    So today this started happening to me also! :cry:

    I have it turned off both in the game and in the OS. I hadn't changed anything.

    On Android.
  • I'm on Android and have been getting neighbor visit notifications for a while now. I have notifications turned off via the in game settings and the device application settings, but it never sticks. The notifications just come back after a day or so and I have to turn them off again via device settings. I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas.
  • It's odd. For quests and crops the ingame option is enough, for friend visits it has a strange behavior on my town (not device related because it happens on two different devices). Before easter I never received anything, then my town glitched, and my template town used to receive visit notifications. Back to my town, nothing. Suddenly, about three days ago, I started receiving them on my main town, and now I get a LOT of them. I don't know what to think.