Forum Discussion

sogr8ful400's avatar
9 years ago

New Glitch: Missing "Level Up Donuts" after a sync

Yeah, I went from level 59 to Level 189 then got locked out. Got back in 24 hours later and all my bonuts had gone.
  • For the record, my issue has occurred since the lockout and fix (as recently as this morning).
  • I'll be honest and say that I don't know if it's happening to me as I've not been checking that closely about the odd 1 or 2 donuts from the last couple of levels so could quite easily have lost them, but I'll keep an closer watch now you have mentioned it.
  • DJ-Alchemist wrote:
    Yeah, I went from level 59 to Level 189 then got locked out. Got back in 24 hours later and all my bonuts had gone.

    Numbers are askew. The WINNER is.... G. with Level 939 !

    Someone else's Wild West score jumped approximately 20,000 in one day. I'm certain that people are also "losing" TNT as visible to me. Display now showing thousands of TNT less than actual for many.

    I'm not positive, but I believe I'm missing the Level 60 "bonut". Who coined that? Love it :D
  • sogr8ful400 wrote:
    For the last two level ups, when I have received a donut, I have then lost it after a sync. These were obtained through normal gameplay (after the fix) and without the collider activated. After receiving the donuts, I have gone to Krustyland and lost the donut I just earned.

    Not sure if others or having the same problem, but I wanted to give a heads up to keep an eye on it. It would be a devastating glitch if you used the collider for several hundred donuts and lost them on the sync. I have, luckily, only lost two

    On a side note, donuts obtained through other means (Maggie game, railyard, etc) have remained intact.

    Yes, I posted a thread about this exact problem a couple of days ago.
  • sogr8ful400 wrote:
    For the record, my issue has occurred since the lockout and fix (as recently as this morning).

    Sorry, I went a bit off topic there! Just venting my frustration :mrgreen:
  • Checked today and mine are still stopping, went up 2 levels so got 2 bonuts, both still there after sync via Krustyland visit and still there after log out and back in an hour later.
  • Thanks everyone. After another level up, mine still aren't registering. I guess I'll try the old uninstall/reinstall.

    I suppose its good know this isn't a widespread issue.