Forum Discussion

pbpandapuffs's avatar
12 years ago

Okay, are you taking your lights down NOW?

You could have posted this in an existing thread rather than starting up a new one.
  • my light are down except for Muntz house. They make a good backdrop for all the parties that go on there. It's a real hoot when the band assembles out front--bagpipes, violin and guitar. if only duff man would come by...
  • Toj427 wrote:
    On a side note, while typing this I just got an alert on my phone to collect Santa Coins from my houses now. They weren't there, but I had to check.

    LOL. :mrgreen:

    You need to add that to the "You know you're addicted to TSTO when..." thread. ;)
  • panfapuffs wrote:
    I got so used to the lights that the houses look so boring now without them. And with all the snow, my SF needs all the bling it can get, so I'm leaving mine up until the green returns.

    That's about as long as I leave the real ones up at home, too :lol: I love twinkly lights!

    Me too...I love twinkly lights! Having a hard time deciding when to take down my own Xmas tree because of that lol. They fit so well with the snow theme.

    I'm kind of sad that the winter tasks have gone away...all but Bart and Marge's were snow-related, not strictly for Christmas.
  • I'm taking mine down. maybe that, removing some trees and (regrettably) removing some friends may stop the minute by minute crashing. :?
  • I took down most lights, but not all.
    The gas station brown house kept them, as did Frink (he would be to distracted to take them down on time), and Ned Flanders house (the roof deco seems appropriate for his house). Also Cletus (for no reason other than I like them there)
  • I took them down, I left them up at first as in the snow they actually seem to make houses look smarter.

    Then I thought, nope, christmas is done, its January the 11th, got to get with the times.