Forum Discussion

katehutson's avatar
11 years ago

Okay, so Halloween

As much as I would like it tonight, I would venture to guess that it will be there when we wake up in the morning, kind of like the episode tie in last Thursday. If they did it tonight, Lisa would be a liar, as she said it would happen on the 1st (and I assume that means PST)
  • I'm hoping it starts tomorrow afternoon or later. I'll be starting Homer, Selma and Patty on the last task of their questline tonight. So if Homer will be needed to start Halloween he won't be available till tomorrow night. :roll:
  • Well, I have to sit in on an exam tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (I'm a teacher), so I hope it will either be in the morning or mid-afternoon (I'm UTC -3 so it's most likely the latter).
  • I have the day off Tuesday. Definitely will be playing and strategizing the best way to earn as much candy and whatever else is on its way this year.
  • Ok this is going to be my very first event. I've inly been sting for a few weeks and have only literally just kinda found this forum. My only questions are for those who have done events like this before are, do donuts change to something else, I see mentions of coins and candy? Do premium and non premium items appear? Am I going to need to majorly spend on buying donuts so I can buy these things or do they occur like quests? I play daily so really want to make the most of getting everything Halloween themed but I've no idea how things run for events normally, any words of wisdom would be great :-)
  • I think maybe 5pm uk time. It's normal a few hours before I go to work :evil: haha :lol:
  • xioG wrote:
    brettolmsted wrote:
    As much as I would like it tonight, I would venture to guess that it will be there when we wake up in the morning, kind of like the episode tie in last Thursday. If they did it tonight, Lisa would be a liar, as she said it would happen on the 1st (and I assume that means PST)

    I agree they will most likely release it tomorrow. I just hope if they give us "Night Mode" that it STAYS in the game after the halloween update. *DISCLAIMER* Night mode is still only rumors and nothing is confirmed.

    As long as it's released tomorrow I'll be stoked!

    Aww, to have the kids Trick or Treating in the dark. :mrgreen: Probably never going to happen. But it would be really cool if it did! 8)
  • night mode would give us 2 time a day, noon and midnight.

    back to spending donuts, I have no idea how Halloween will work but whacking day let you earn a 5 snake per daily visit license but for donuts you could buy a 10 snake per daily visit
  • sherryt07 wrote:
    I'm hoping it starts tomorrow afternoon or later. I'll be starting Homer, Selma and Patty on the last task of their questline tonight. So if Homer will be needed to start Halloween he won't be available till tomorrow night. :roll:

    Nice seasonal avatar, sherryt07!! :D
  • sherryt07 wrote:
    I'm hoping it starts tomorrow afternoon or later. I'll be starting Homer, Selma and Patty on the last task of their questline tonight. So if Homer will be needed to start Halloween he won't be available till tomorrow night. :roll:

    I wouldn't start Homer. Patty and Selma are fine though. No way that either Patty or Selma kick off Halloween. They're level 35 characters, and that would alienate all the newer players that aren't there yet. I think every event has been kicked off by either Lisa or Homer.