Forum Discussion

leepierce27's avatar
11 years ago

One small complaint

It's clear that EA needs to come to your house and install a toilet in your room, and also an icecream-maker in there. Nothing is better than combining those two activities.
  • leepierce27 wrote:
    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love everything about the new level in TSTO, I just have one issue. I love being able to play this game on the toilet and right now, my bathroom is too far from my bed. I have to walk a whole fifteen feet into the hall, around the corner, and turn on a lightswitch just to find any solace. On top of that, I risk running into my roommates in the hall, which would require me to be social and take away from precious hermit time. All that I want is to be able to sit on the toilet in the dark with my iPad while Jasper paddles Bart and Lisa. What's so wrong with that?

    i would recommend a diaper but with cajun cooking in the mix that might get extra messy.