Forum Discussion

tedwise27's avatar
12 years ago

  • NeoSEC28 wrote:
    simbass7 wrote:
    Thought it gonna be biger

    What your sig? Or Bart weiner??
  • Personally, I don't like to get into talks with anything that has politics or religious beliefs. It's a sensitive subject that easily offends a number of people, which in terms makes them very hostile to you. So yeah, don't talk about those things between your friends! :D
  • TRTX84 wrote:
    That thread was a prime example of why this forum is neither the time nor place for a debate about gun control.

    I disagree. I felt that the debate was going great as did others in higher positions than mine. Then a couple of people forgot the cardinal rule of debating: "Don't make it personal". That was when it had to be locked.
  • you think that got personal? You should visit the Open University debate forum then you'll know what personal is!!
  • cjryder625 wrote:
    you think that got personal? You should visit the Open University debate forum then you'll know what personal is!!

    Different forum, different set of rules.
  • TaraInDC wrote:
    The badgering and accusations made any legitimate discussion about the OPs point very difficult. Try to have a discussion about flavors of satire and get accused of being a closet gun owner? No thanks.

    Where else do you stick your guns but in a closet? Nothing is worse than cleaning cat puke off your sniper rifle. Ok, there are worse things but it still sucks.

    And I really wish I had the donuts for the mini nuke.

    Simpsons is fun. Lets keep the badgering and politics in Facebook like normal sheeple.
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with debating if people just remember that you might be arguing with a faceless username (maybe an avatar) but there's a real person behind it and if you wouldn't launch a personal attack on them in person then why would you do it on here? From what I read of it most people did try to keep it civil at least tho I didn't see where it had headed the last couple of days.