Forum Discussion

  • weagle1294705 wrote:
    Well after I asked that question, I was doin' some figgurin', and based on the number of friend actions we are allowed in a day, OS would have to be counted as a friend.

    30 actions at 10 FP
    30 actions at 5 FP
    30 actions at 4 FP
    30 actions at 2 FP
    180 actions at 1 FP =

    300 total actions /
    3 actions/friend =

    100 you can't have 101 friends regardless of when you visit OS, first or last. And if you just skip OS, you should have 3 friend actions remaining. Tell me if I'm wrong but I sure can't add anyone else with 99 friends plus OS.

    You have 100 plus other sf. You just don't get FP with that amount. But you still get $ & xp