I'm almost saved up for the Sit-n-Rotate. Almost had it last fall, but then the Fortress of Chocolitude came out and I had to buy that instead. Then before Christmas I almost had it again, then the Krustyburger Oil Rig came out, so I bought that instead. Now I have 9.8M and barring an update this week I'll probably build it early next week once I build up a 1M or so buffer. After that, then it will just be the rest of the land (I think about 15M needed for the last two strips) and the Escalator to Nowhere which is the only other aspirational I don't have. With my luck, they'll drop a level update this week and throw in another 10M aspirational that I'll just have to buy. I also just recently bought all the Krustyland land (that was about 360K tickets that took months to earn), but haven't done anything interesting yet with it.