Forum Discussion

benred's avatar
12 years ago

Pizza box that looks like Homer and Bart.

Worst. Copyright infringement. Ever

:D w

13 Replies

  • darthraven0 wrote:
    83jonrotton1 wrote:
    tiger10036778 wrote:
    Worst. Copyright infringement. Ever

    :D w

    Just like all the avatars and signature blocks on here right? Everyone have express written permission from the copyright holders? Or shall we be an ostrich and claim its all "fair use" or for "educational purposes".

    The avatars on here are not for making money as that pizza box is little different. Though I would say there is enough difference in the box to keep EA from having any real claim at infringement.
    you do know fox holds the copyright over simpson right? U know ea is just making the game?
  • JoshSherer wrote:
    I wouldn't be able to eat the pizza as I'd be too busy throwing up from that box. It creates a lot of nausea and rage inside me.

    Doesn't everything? ;)
  • lizmackint252 wrote:
    Is it me or does "Bart" have an ear growing out of his neck?

    I was wondering more along the lines of why he felt the need to pierce a rather large skin growth. Then again, I guess you have to do something with skin tags of that size.