Forum Discussion

MegsyJ's avatar
6 years ago

Lin-Z Smart Speaker ordering pizza and maids

Maybe I'm just a bit behind on this because I haven't played with the Lin-Z Smart Speaker much, but I had no idea that once you have a "friendship" with the speaker, that they would autonomously order pizza or a maid for you!!
My parents to terror twins aren't coping with the toddler stage of life, and they've had the speaker order pizza twice today, and the maid has been ordered 3 times just today!! It's kind of cool, but I also want them to have a trashed house, and be tired and starving, it's the real parenthood experience! Haha! :wink: The speaker is taking too good a care of them! Anyone else had this or other experiences? :)
  • No worries, I hope your Sims like pizza, they just keep coming!! At least their free though, so I feel less bad about the fact they aren't eating them all! haha :)
  • "elanorbreton;c-16918062" wrote:
    Lol. Is the maid free too?

    Yes, it has been. The notification says "I noticed that you could do with some tidying up, so I placed a request for a free maid. Your maid will arrive on Monday at 10.05am"

    The pizza one says, "I noticed you haven't eaten in a while, so I ordered a pizza. It is on its way, but don't worry about paying - this one's on me"

    I hope I get a gardener soon, I really NEED that! haha :)
  • akl1226's avatar
    New Spectator
    What?!!! Wow I need to make better use of that speaker