Forum Discussion

LilJonny64's avatar
9 years ago

Please no more fighting

Are you Gary Bettman?
  • TwigletStyx wrote:
    chippers29775 wrote:
    I'm desentised to violence, but I think I understand the OP... I was there once. I won't comment on what's being said as I believe there's good coverage already. Instead I would like to focus on the mindset.

    I think everyone has views and at times we express them. Some attempts might be bolder than others. Some might result in backlash. The expressor could either agree, fall in line, ignore disagreement, or find a place which accepts their views. It's a part of life to experiment and expand our limits and capabilities, sometimes with risk.

    So OP, have a browse, review, reflect and then soldier on whilst being careful on tone. As for myself, I used to lack a voice, but eventually I got one. I'm still developing this voice of mine and I still have a long way to go before its polished.

    And well, there are some games where I wished the villains didn't have to go through what they had to go through. ;)

    Very. Well. Said. 8)

    Thanks, TwigletStyx. :)
  • Excruciator69 wrote:
    KrustyBrand wrote:
    As the customer (admittedly only one amongst many), my wants and needs trump theirs. If you want to consider that point of view egotistical or self-centered, I’m fine with that.

    It's not that point of view is egotistical. It's important to fairly place yourself where you feel you need to be.

    However, if your wants and needs would result in a compromise for their wants and needs (assuming that need is making a better game for everyone and not just you or a tiny minority) then your wants and needs are wholly irrelevant.

    Fair point, but the original comments said nothing about the greater user community and only referenced the programmers/developers.
  • Im not trying to ruin it for everyone. I very much respect everyone's comments even if some seemed harsh toward me. Opinions do count Which is why I made this thread to begin with. Not wanting to step on anyones toes here but I just think that fighting even in a game is still practicing war. Although no one is really getting hurt I agree but its still a practice. I just feel so forced into it. Daily challenges for example I love them and I was forced to do battles to get daily challenges. We should be given the option as to whether or not we want to participate in an event or if we just want to tap buildings and collect income and send characters on jobs. Events should be a choice. Not forced on us. I tried to ignore the battling as much as I can. When I tap on other buildings, It just tapped on over crowded felons. People here should be permitted to choose whether they want to do an event or just play the basic game itself. We should be given the option to do a daily challenge based on an event or based on regular game play. One or the other. Thats all Im saying. Im kinda glad the event is over as of today but if this kind of thing happens again please consider the possibility of giving us alternatives if we choose not to participate in an event. This way everyone is happy.
  • AirurandoP's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    LilJonny64 wrote:
    Im not trying to ruin it for everyone. I very much respect everyone's comments even if some seemed harsh toward me. Opinions do count Which is why I made this thread to begin with. Not wanting to step on anyones toes here but I just think that fighting even in a game is still practicing war. Although no one is really getting hurt I agree but its still a practice. I just feel so forced into it. Daily challenges for example I love them and I was forced to do battles to get daily challenges. We should be given the option as to whether or not we want to participate in an event or if we just want to tap buildings and collect income and send characters on jobs. Events should be a choice. Not forced on us. I tried to ignore the battling as much as I can. When I tap on other buildings, It just tapped on over crowded felons. People here should be permitted to choose whether they want to do an event or just play the basic game itself. We should be given the option to do a daily challenge based on an event or based on regular game play. One or the other. Thats all Im saying. Im kinda glad the event is over as of today but if this kind of thing happens again please consider the possibility of giving us alternatives if we choose not to participate in an event. This way everyone is happy.

    Well you've got your wish now