Forum Discussion
7 years ago
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 1
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Happy anniversary, Scratchy. I made a special dinner, and maybe after we can get into some catnip.
Scratchy: It looks great, but I'm not really that hungry.
Scratchy: Itchy made me a pretty big lunch of carbolic acid, which is pretty filling, plus it dissolved my entire midsection...
Mrs. Scratchy: It's always work, work, work with you, isn't it?!
Mrs. Scratchy: Well, work on this!
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Serve Scratchy a “Dynamite” Dessert
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House
Mrs. Scratchy: I've had it with this marriage! I took our wedding vows seriously, but "till death do us part" never lasts long with you!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 2
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Scratchy's such a jerk! First he doesn't eat my dinner, then he allows himself to be blown up!
Mrs. Scratchy: Well I'm not gonna sit around in a black veil waiting for him to come back to life!
Mrs. Scratchy: I'm young, my whiskers aren't grey yet.
Mrs. Scratchy: I'm getting on that new dating app called “Swiper”.
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Fill Out a Dating App Profile
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House
On job start:
Mrs. Scratchy: Okay, profile pictures: the only photos I have of myself are me holding a book I never read, at a concert of a band I don't like...
Mrs. Scratchy: ...and one from three years ago that looks nothing like me. They're perfect!
Mrs. Scratchy: Interests: Food, travel, and living my best life!
Mrs. Scratchy: ...unlike Scratchy.
On job end:
Mrs. Scratchy: Ooh, I already got some matches on my dating app!
Mrs. Scratchy: Fat Tony... maybe he means Cat Tony?
Mrs. Scratchy: Moleman... seems like a furry creature indeed...
Mrs. Scratchy: And Bumblebee Man... no mistaking what his deal is -- a Mexican actor who dresses in a bee costume.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 3
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: I'm so nervous, I haven't been on a first date since I met Scratchy.
Mrs. Scratchy: It was so romantic. He took me to the purr-fect restaurant... picked up the “tabby”... used a bunch of cat-puns...
Mrs. Scratchy: *flashback harp*
Mrs. Scratchy: No, don't go into a flashback! Even on our first date, Itchy was the waiter and served him coq au BLAM and blew him up! It's time for me to move on.
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Go on a Bad Date
Time: 8h
Location: Eatery or Bars
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
On starting 1st job:
Mrs. Scratchy: So, have you ever been on a date with a cartoon cat?!
Fat Tony: No, but I sold cartons of RAT milk to schoolchildren. Does that count for anything?
Mrs. Scratchy: ...!
On starting 2nd job:
Mrs. Scratchy: This is my first time using online dating. What about you?!3
Hans Moleman: I've only used Swiper, Matchr, AlrightValentine, eChoir, FarmhandsExclusive, Swingin'Christian, and m-date -- an app for dating Moleman.
Mrs. Scratchy: ...!
On starting 3rd job:
Mrs. Scratchy: I don't know what I'm doing... I'm not cut out for the dating world. I've been a wife for too long...
Bumblebee Man: ...
Mrs. Scratchy: Sorry to go on and on... you're such a good listener.
Bumblebee Man: Que?
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 4
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Is this what I have to look forward to? Meeting that string of weirdos has really helped me put my marriage in perspective.
Mrs. Scratchy: So what if I'm a widow more often than a wife? At least I love my husband!
Mrs. Scratchy: And it's really not Scratchy's fault.
Mrs. Scratchy: He's just trying to make an honest living, but that horrible Itchy keeps making him an honest corpse!
Itchy: Hi-ya, Mrs. Scratchy! Looks like Scratchy's still in cat-heaven, so I'll come back later.
Mrs. Scratchy: Not so fast, you murderous mouse!
Mrs. Scratchy: You and I need to have a heart to heart -- if you don't lay off my husband a little, I'm going to chop you in half and make your heart TWO hearts!
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Scratch Out Her Itchy Aggression
Time: 8h
Mrs. Scratchy: Have I made myself clear?
Itchy: Whatever you say! You're the boss!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 5
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Scratchy? Oh good, you're waking up.
Scratchy: Hey honey, was I out for long? What did I miss?
Mrs. Scratchy: Nothing, I was just packing us a nice picnic. Let's go!
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Go on a Picnic
Time: 4h
Location: Picnic Spot
If the user has Scratchy: Task: Make Scratchy Go on a Picnic
Time: 4h
Location: Picnic Spot
Mrs. Scratchy: *happy sigh* Thanks for making this such a special day, sweetheart.
Scratchy: It was wonderful! I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed.
Mrs. Scratchy: Alright, he's all yours, Itchy.
Itchy: Picnic much more fun with flesh-eating ants!
Scratchy: *screams*
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 1
Roy starts
Bart: They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for new characters in this game. Wonder who the next nobody will be.
Roy: Hey, Bart-man! I'm sure the next new character they unlock will be totally far-out and hip!
Marge: Roy's right, Bart. I bet they'll even have a catchphrase.
Roy: Pow-bazow, Mrs. S., pow-bazow. Well, until the next new character is unlocked, I guess I'll continue filming my reality show “Roy Will Be Roy”!
Roy: Everyone smile for the cameras!
Task: Make Roy Mug for the Cameras
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make the Simpsons Look Blankly Straight Into the Cameras
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Characters: Marge, Homer, Bart, Lisa, Maggie
Roy: What's gotten into you guys? You're usually so natural and effortlessly hilarious!
Homer: I am acting in a perfectly normal manner, much in the way that I always do. D... oh.
Marge: It's kind of hard to act normal when they keep hitting my hair with the boom mic.
Lisa: In their defense, Mom, the boom guy had to stand on another guy's shoulders.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 2
Roy starts
Marge: I don't know, Roy, this whole “reality TV” thing seems a little out there, and, dare I say, desperate?
Roy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Save it for the confessional, Mrs. S!
Task: Make Roy Tape a Confessional
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make the Simpsons Tape Confessionals
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Characters: Marge, Homer, Bart, Lisa, Maggie
On Simpsons' job start:
Marge: I don't know if my family's going to be any good at this... I've always taught them not to speak ill of others.
Homer: Don't get me started on Flanders! Does he really have to rhyme all the time?!
Homer: Oh no, I'm doing it too! I'm screwed!
Bart: Interviews are for suckers, man. Unless you want to film me hocking loogies off the overpass... no?
Lisa: I am so annoyed...
Lisa: ...that everyone expects me to be anti-everything. I like reality TV! Especially the sassy ladies of “The Real Home Wives of Ogdenville”. It's great!
On Roy's job start:
Roy: I'm really sick of Mrs. S. trying to express her feelings about people to their faces...
Roy: ...instead of behind their back to the camera for all the world to see. Who does that?!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 3
Roy starts
Roy: Thanks for trying S. family, but the show's still feeling a little flat...
Homer: Sorry, Roy. I guess our family's just too perfect for reality TV.
Homer: Bart, get your old man a beer, and grab one for yourself, why don'tcha?
Lisa: If I've learned anything from watching Real Home Wives, it's that every good show has a great villain!
Roy: What do you mean?
Lisa: Are you really that dumb?!
Marge: Lisa! Don't talk to Roy like that!
Lisa: No, Mom, I'm teaching him how to be a villain for the show! You blue-haired bozo.
Marge: Was that for the show too?
Lisa: Sure...
Task: Make Roy Pick an Over the Top Fight
Time: 8h
On job start:
Roy: Hey man, why you looking at my lady?!
Mr. Burns: Smithers, is this young hoodlum addressing me?
Smithers: Don't worry, Mr. Burns. I'll defend your honor.
Roy: Whoa, wait man! I was just trying to fight the old guy.
On job end:
Roy: *groans of pain*
Mr. Burns: Excellent work, Smithers. I daresay this rapscallion will think twice before issuing me any more challenges.
Homer: Wow, Roy, you took quite a beating! It came out great on camera!
Homer: Unfortunately, Smithers was singing LL Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You Out” as he was pummeling you and we can't clear the song, so the footage is useless.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 4
Roy starts
Roy: I think I have to retire from the reality TV business, I had no idea it could be so dangerous!
Homer: Nonsense. There are as many types of reality TV as there are flavors of ice cream...*mmmm* ice cream.
Homer: We just have to find a type of show that's a better fit for you. How about a dating show?!
Roy: Like one where I date a bunch of ladies who are super into me even though I don't have a job?
Homer: Right! We'll tell them you're in "real estate”, and at the end you'll get married after knowing each other for two weeks!
Task: Make Roy Try to Romance the Ladies
Time: 4h
Roy: I don't get it, why wouldn't any of those ladies accept a rose from me?
Homer: You know, when a whole bunch of women with their own unique thoughts and opinions all don't want to date you, I say...
Homer: It's them, not you! Here, have some ice cream.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 5
Roy starts
Homer: So Marge, in this scene Roy is going to grab your butt, then I'll walk in and accuse you of cheating.
Marge: Homer, I really wish you would stop suggesting scenarios where your friends try to grab my butt.
Marge: And I don't have time for the show right now, I need to take care of the kids.
Roy: Plus, you should really get your hair done before you go on camera again. No offense, no offense.
Marge: That's it! I've had it with you two!
Task: Make Roy Hide From Marge
Time: 8h
Location: Businesses, Homes or Bars
Task: Make Homer Hide From Marge
Time: 8h
Location: Businesses, Homes or Bars
Homer: Calm down, Marge. He said no offense, that means you can't get offended.
Roy: That was great, Mrs. S. The camera loves you, you're the show's new star!
Marge: Me, a star? That makes me so happy!
Roy: Annnnd you ruined it. No one likes a happy, well-adjusted reality star.
Roy: The show's over, which means Roy's movin' out!
Bart: You moving in with some sexy babes?!
Roy: No, with my mom and step-dad...
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 1
Auto starts
Marge: Homer, what happened to your head?
Homer: Oh, it's nothing. Maggie dropped a bowling ball on my head.
Marge: What?!
Homer: It was an accident -- it rolled off the shelf. I mean, Maggie had to take it out of the bag and push it, but I blame the laws of gravity.
Marge: This was no accident! Bringing all these cartoon characters to life is a bad influence on the kids!
Professor Frink: Don't you worry, Marge. I'm way ahead of you on this and I have the perfect solution.
Marge: You're going to get rid of the cartoons you brought to life?
Professor Frink: Don't be SILLY. I'm going to bring another character to life: Disapproving Squirrel!
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Silently Judge Springfielders
Time: 1h
Location: Homes
Marge: See? Disapproving Squirrel's not very funny, or friendly, but she proves you don't have to be violent just because you're a cartoon.
Marge: And she kept everyone on their best behavior.
Professor Frink: Yes, in many ways, the judgmental stare is even more cutting than an axe to the cabeza, as it were.
Disapproving Squirrel: ...!
Professor Frink: See what I mean?
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 2
Disapproving Squirrel starts
Itchy: Hey Scratchy, now that I've fed your eyeballs to that bird, you're... EAGLEY blind!
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that!
Itchy: But that's in the script.
Scratchy: Believe me I don't like it either, but we're professionals.
Disapproving Squirrel: No, no, no! No more violence!
Itchy: Step aside, squirrel, we've got a very important job to do. Now where's my mallet so I can play croquet with Scratchy's eyes.
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Picket Disapprovingly
Time: 4h
Itchy: You ruined the scene!
Scratchy: And you scared away the eagle. Now I'm never gonna find my eyes!
Disapproving Squirrel: No! No violence!
Itchy: Cartoons with no violence are no fun! I'm gonna go stab ketchup bottles in my trailer and pretend it's blood.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 3
Auto starts
Lisa: *groans* These new Itchy & Scratchy cartoons are boring! Where's Itchy?!
Marge: That Disapproving Squirrel isn't that bad, is she?
Lisa: She's worse than Poochie! All she does is scold Scratchy to balance his check book and clean the lint out of his dryer...
Lisa: Why does a cat have a dryer?!
Bart: I don't know, it is kind of funny to see her boss Scratchy around like that.
Marge: See? She doesn't ruin the show.
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Ruin the Itchy & Scratchy Show
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios or Brown House
On job start:
Disapproving Squirrel: Your sock drawer is a mess, Scratchy!
Scratchy: I don't wear socks.
Disapproving Squirrel: Before you go out to play, I want you to iron and fold every pair, twice.
Disapproving Squirrel: A well-starched pair of socks is a step in the right direction.
Scratchy: *laughs* ...That was a cue for me to laugh at your joke, right?
Disapproving Squirrel: Less laughing, more starching!
On job end:
Lisa: Well, that didn't take long. How many times can one show get ruined?
Bart: It was funny when she made him iron his socks at least.
Marge: *gasp* I was hoping a good role model would help you shape up, not turn you into a completely different person.
Marge: That squirrel has got to go before you turn into *shudder* the Flanders kids!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 4
Auto starts
Quimby: Order! We've had a number of complaints about this "Disapproving Squirrel”. All from the same person: Marge Simpson.
Marge: I don't like the way that squirrel is making my kids act!
Helen Lovejoy: Really now Marge, I would have thought you'd be in favor of Disapproving Squirrel. The two of you could practically be twins.
Marge: What? We have nothing in common.
Homer: You do sorta have the same hair, and make the same face when you scold me.
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that!
Homer: *chuckles* See? I almost kissed the squirrel thinking it was you! Do it again!
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Imitate Marge
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall or Brown House
Quimby: Yes, I can, er, really see the resemblance. I don't know whose vote to solicit.
Artie Ziff: Is that squirrel single??
Dr. Hibbert: *holds up x-rays* Even the bone structure is the same!
Marge: That squirrel and I are nothing alike! I'll prove it to you.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 5
Disapproving Squirrel starts
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that! Don't do that!
Marge: No YOU don't do that! Don't tell me what to do!
Marge: Is this really what everyone thinks I'm like when I give them sensible advice?
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that!
Marge: I am NOT some ridiculous, killjoy nag. And my hair looks nothing like yours!
Disapproving Squirrel: Your hair is the only thing about you I don't disapprove of.
Marge: That does it! I won't be mocked by some demented cartoon. Get out! GET OUT!
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Get Chased Away by Marge
Time: 8h
Requires: Marge
Note: The quest is bugged as it requires Family Fun Pt.1 to start Marge's job, a quest introduced in the Moe's Ark update.
Disapproving Squirrel: I don't need any of you! You're all beneath me, you don't even deserve my scorn.
Selma: Now there's a girl after my own heart. *smoker's cough*
Patty: I agree. How would you like a job over at the DMV? Best place in town to judge all the nuts.
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
The Reality Channel
Auto starts
Homer: Ooh, The Reality Channel! What better way to experience reality than by watching TV?
Duffman: Yes Guy and I have the best idea ever for a reality show!
Homer: What is this crap?! A reality show about pitching reality shows?!
Task: Make Homer Try to Change the Channel
Time: 4h
Location: The Reality Channel
If the user has Duffman: Task: Make Duffman Pitch a Reality TV Show
Time: 4h
Location: The Reality Channel
On job start:
Homer: Can't change channel... show... too... stupid... and... enjoyable...
The Yes Guy TV: Our reality show is so brilliant, you'll forget all about my freakish face and obnoxious voice!
Duffman TV: Watch as contestants pitch us ideas for inventions and we decide whether to say YES and invest in them!
The Yes Guy TV: It's "Predatory Fish Aquarium"!
On job end:
Homer: Hey, that stupid show I hate isn't on! What gives?!
The Yes Guy: We went broke. We were using our own money for the show's investments.
Duffman: Oh yeah! And would you have guessed we wouldn't be able to say NO to any of the inventions?
The Yes Guy: Yeeee-- no, I really thought we could be objective... We're ruined!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Fireworks Factory
Auto starts
Milhouse: Bart, come quick! They just built a Fireworks Factory!
Bart: Seen a lot of factories, Milhouse.
Milhouse: Yeah, I guess an abandoned factory isn't that cool...
Bart: Abandoned?! Why didn't you say so?
Milhouse: I thought the exciting part was the fireworks.
Bart: The word “abandoned” makes everything cooler: abandoned mine shafts, driving with reckless abandon... Let's check it out!
Task: Make Bart Set Off Fireworks in Fireworks Factory
Time: 4h
Location: Fireworks Factory
Bart: Whoa! That was a ton of fireworks!
Milhouse: I still don't see why I couldn't go in with you...
Bart: Because if you were in there with me, it wouldn't be ABANDONED anymore. And that would take away all the fun.
Milhouse: So you're saying I'm the reason it was so cool???
Bart: Yeah, sure... definitely didn't have anything to do with the awesome explosions.
Milhouse: Wow, I helped fulfill a criteria for Bart to be able to have fun!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Happy anniversary, Scratchy. I made a special dinner, and maybe after we can get into some catnip.
Scratchy: It looks great, but I'm not really that hungry.
Scratchy: Itchy made me a pretty big lunch of carbolic acid, which is pretty filling, plus it dissolved my entire midsection...
Mrs. Scratchy: It's always work, work, work with you, isn't it?!
Mrs. Scratchy: Well, work on this!
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Serve Scratchy a “Dynamite” Dessert
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House
Mrs. Scratchy: I've had it with this marriage! I took our wedding vows seriously, but "till death do us part" never lasts long with you!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 2
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Scratchy's such a jerk! First he doesn't eat my dinner, then he allows himself to be blown up!
Mrs. Scratchy: Well I'm not gonna sit around in a black veil waiting for him to come back to life!
Mrs. Scratchy: I'm young, my whiskers aren't grey yet.
Mrs. Scratchy: I'm getting on that new dating app called “Swiper”.
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Fill Out a Dating App Profile
Time: 4h
Location: Brown House
On job start:
Mrs. Scratchy: Okay, profile pictures: the only photos I have of myself are me holding a book I never read, at a concert of a band I don't like...
Mrs. Scratchy: ...and one from three years ago that looks nothing like me. They're perfect!
Mrs. Scratchy: Interests: Food, travel, and living my best life!
Mrs. Scratchy: ...unlike Scratchy.
On job end:
Mrs. Scratchy: Ooh, I already got some matches on my dating app!
Mrs. Scratchy: Fat Tony... maybe he means Cat Tony?
Mrs. Scratchy: Moleman... seems like a furry creature indeed...
Mrs. Scratchy: And Bumblebee Man... no mistaking what his deal is -- a Mexican actor who dresses in a bee costume.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 3
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: I'm so nervous, I haven't been on a first date since I met Scratchy.
Mrs. Scratchy: It was so romantic. He took me to the purr-fect restaurant... picked up the “tabby”... used a bunch of cat-puns...
Mrs. Scratchy: *flashback harp*
Mrs. Scratchy: No, don't go into a flashback! Even on our first date, Itchy was the waiter and served him coq au BLAM and blew him up! It's time for me to move on.
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Go on a Bad Date
Time: 8h
Location: Eatery or Bars
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
On starting 1st job:
Mrs. Scratchy: So, have you ever been on a date with a cartoon cat?!
Fat Tony: No, but I sold cartons of RAT milk to schoolchildren. Does that count for anything?
Mrs. Scratchy: ...!
On starting 2nd job:
Mrs. Scratchy: This is my first time using online dating. What about you?!3
Hans Moleman: I've only used Swiper, Matchr, AlrightValentine, eChoir, FarmhandsExclusive, Swingin'Christian, and m-date -- an app for dating Moleman.
Mrs. Scratchy: ...!
On starting 3rd job:
Mrs. Scratchy: I don't know what I'm doing... I'm not cut out for the dating world. I've been a wife for too long...
Bumblebee Man: ...
Mrs. Scratchy: Sorry to go on and on... you're such a good listener.
Bumblebee Man: Que?
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 4
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Is this what I have to look forward to? Meeting that string of weirdos has really helped me put my marriage in perspective.
Mrs. Scratchy: So what if I'm a widow more often than a wife? At least I love my husband!
Mrs. Scratchy: And it's really not Scratchy's fault.
Mrs. Scratchy: He's just trying to make an honest living, but that horrible Itchy keeps making him an honest corpse!
Itchy: Hi-ya, Mrs. Scratchy! Looks like Scratchy's still in cat-heaven, so I'll come back later.
Mrs. Scratchy: Not so fast, you murderous mouse!
Mrs. Scratchy: You and I need to have a heart to heart -- if you don't lay off my husband a little, I'm going to chop you in half and make your heart TWO hearts!
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Scratch Out Her Itchy Aggression
Time: 8h
Mrs. Scratchy: Have I made myself clear?
Itchy: Whatever you say! You're the boss!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Scratching the Seven Year Itch Pt. 5
Mrs. Scratchy starts
Mrs. Scratchy: Scratchy? Oh good, you're waking up.
Scratchy: Hey honey, was I out for long? What did I miss?
Mrs. Scratchy: Nothing, I was just packing us a nice picnic. Let's go!
Task: Make Mrs. Scratchy Go on a Picnic
Time: 4h
Location: Picnic Spot
If the user has Scratchy: Task: Make Scratchy Go on a Picnic
Time: 4h
Location: Picnic Spot
Mrs. Scratchy: *happy sigh* Thanks for making this such a special day, sweetheart.
Scratchy: It was wonderful! I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed.
Mrs. Scratchy: Alright, he's all yours, Itchy.
Itchy: Picnic much more fun with flesh-eating ants!
Scratchy: *screams*
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 1
Roy starts
Bart: They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for new characters in this game. Wonder who the next nobody will be.
Roy: Hey, Bart-man! I'm sure the next new character they unlock will be totally far-out and hip!
Marge: Roy's right, Bart. I bet they'll even have a catchphrase.
Roy: Pow-bazow, Mrs. S., pow-bazow. Well, until the next new character is unlocked, I guess I'll continue filming my reality show “Roy Will Be Roy”!
Roy: Everyone smile for the cameras!
Task: Make Roy Mug for the Cameras
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make the Simpsons Look Blankly Straight Into the Cameras
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Characters: Marge, Homer, Bart, Lisa, Maggie
Roy: What's gotten into you guys? You're usually so natural and effortlessly hilarious!
Homer: I am acting in a perfectly normal manner, much in the way that I always do. D... oh.
Marge: It's kind of hard to act normal when they keep hitting my hair with the boom mic.
Lisa: In their defense, Mom, the boom guy had to stand on another guy's shoulders.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 2
Roy starts
Marge: I don't know, Roy, this whole “reality TV” thing seems a little out there, and, dare I say, desperate?
Roy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Save it for the confessional, Mrs. S!
Task: Make Roy Tape a Confessional
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make the Simpsons Tape Confessionals
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Characters: Marge, Homer, Bart, Lisa, Maggie
On Simpsons' job start:
Marge: I don't know if my family's going to be any good at this... I've always taught them not to speak ill of others.
Homer: Don't get me started on Flanders! Does he really have to rhyme all the time?!
Homer: Oh no, I'm doing it too! I'm screwed!
Bart: Interviews are for suckers, man. Unless you want to film me hocking loogies off the overpass... no?
Lisa: I am so annoyed...
Lisa: ...that everyone expects me to be anti-everything. I like reality TV! Especially the sassy ladies of “The Real Home Wives of Ogdenville”. It's great!
On Roy's job start:
Roy: I'm really sick of Mrs. S. trying to express her feelings about people to their faces...
Roy: ...instead of behind their back to the camera for all the world to see. Who does that?!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 3
Roy starts
Roy: Thanks for trying S. family, but the show's still feeling a little flat...
Homer: Sorry, Roy. I guess our family's just too perfect for reality TV.
Homer: Bart, get your old man a beer, and grab one for yourself, why don'tcha?
Lisa: If I've learned anything from watching Real Home Wives, it's that every good show has a great villain!
Roy: What do you mean?
Lisa: Are you really that dumb?!
Marge: Lisa! Don't talk to Roy like that!
Lisa: No, Mom, I'm teaching him how to be a villain for the show! You blue-haired bozo.
Marge: Was that for the show too?
Lisa: Sure...
Task: Make Roy Pick an Over the Top Fight
Time: 8h
On job start:
Roy: Hey man, why you looking at my lady?!
Mr. Burns: Smithers, is this young hoodlum addressing me?
Smithers: Don't worry, Mr. Burns. I'll defend your honor.
Roy: Whoa, wait man! I was just trying to fight the old guy.
On job end:
Roy: *groans of pain*
Mr. Burns: Excellent work, Smithers. I daresay this rapscallion will think twice before issuing me any more challenges.
Homer: Wow, Roy, you took quite a beating! It came out great on camera!
Homer: Unfortunately, Smithers was singing LL Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You Out” as he was pummeling you and we can't clear the song, so the footage is useless.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 4
Roy starts
Roy: I think I have to retire from the reality TV business, I had no idea it could be so dangerous!
Homer: Nonsense. There are as many types of reality TV as there are flavors of ice cream...*mmmm* ice cream.
Homer: We just have to find a type of show that's a better fit for you. How about a dating show?!
Roy: Like one where I date a bunch of ladies who are super into me even though I don't have a job?
Homer: Right! We'll tell them you're in "real estate”, and at the end you'll get married after knowing each other for two weeks!
Task: Make Roy Try to Romance the Ladies
Time: 4h
Roy: I don't get it, why wouldn't any of those ladies accept a rose from me?
Homer: You know, when a whole bunch of women with their own unique thoughts and opinions all don't want to date you, I say...
Homer: It's them, not you! Here, have some ice cream.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
For Real, Roy? Pt. 5
Roy starts
Homer: So Marge, in this scene Roy is going to grab your butt, then I'll walk in and accuse you of cheating.
Marge: Homer, I really wish you would stop suggesting scenarios where your friends try to grab my butt.
Marge: And I don't have time for the show right now, I need to take care of the kids.
Roy: Plus, you should really get your hair done before you go on camera again. No offense, no offense.
Marge: That's it! I've had it with you two!
Task: Make Roy Hide From Marge
Time: 8h
Location: Businesses, Homes or Bars
Task: Make Homer Hide From Marge
Time: 8h
Location: Businesses, Homes or Bars
Homer: Calm down, Marge. He said no offense, that means you can't get offended.
Roy: That was great, Mrs. S. The camera loves you, you're the show's new star!
Marge: Me, a star? That makes me so happy!
Roy: Annnnd you ruined it. No one likes a happy, well-adjusted reality star.
Roy: The show's over, which means Roy's movin' out!
Bart: You moving in with some sexy babes?!
Roy: No, with my mom and step-dad...
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 1
Auto starts
Marge: Homer, what happened to your head?
Homer: Oh, it's nothing. Maggie dropped a bowling ball on my head.
Marge: What?!
Homer: It was an accident -- it rolled off the shelf. I mean, Maggie had to take it out of the bag and push it, but I blame the laws of gravity.
Marge: This was no accident! Bringing all these cartoon characters to life is a bad influence on the kids!
Professor Frink: Don't you worry, Marge. I'm way ahead of you on this and I have the perfect solution.
Marge: You're going to get rid of the cartoons you brought to life?
Professor Frink: Don't be SILLY. I'm going to bring another character to life: Disapproving Squirrel!
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Silently Judge Springfielders
Time: 1h
Location: Homes
Marge: See? Disapproving Squirrel's not very funny, or friendly, but she proves you don't have to be violent just because you're a cartoon.
Marge: And she kept everyone on their best behavior.
Professor Frink: Yes, in many ways, the judgmental stare is even more cutting than an axe to the cabeza, as it were.
Disapproving Squirrel: ...!
Professor Frink: See what I mean?
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 2
Disapproving Squirrel starts
Itchy: Hey Scratchy, now that I've fed your eyeballs to that bird, you're... EAGLEY blind!
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that!
Itchy: But that's in the script.
Scratchy: Believe me I don't like it either, but we're professionals.
Disapproving Squirrel: No, no, no! No more violence!
Itchy: Step aside, squirrel, we've got a very important job to do. Now where's my mallet so I can play croquet with Scratchy's eyes.
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Picket Disapprovingly
Time: 4h
Itchy: You ruined the scene!
Scratchy: And you scared away the eagle. Now I'm never gonna find my eyes!
Disapproving Squirrel: No! No violence!
Itchy: Cartoons with no violence are no fun! I'm gonna go stab ketchup bottles in my trailer and pretend it's blood.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 3
Auto starts
Lisa: *groans* These new Itchy & Scratchy cartoons are boring! Where's Itchy?!
Marge: That Disapproving Squirrel isn't that bad, is she?
Lisa: She's worse than Poochie! All she does is scold Scratchy to balance his check book and clean the lint out of his dryer...
Lisa: Why does a cat have a dryer?!
Bart: I don't know, it is kind of funny to see her boss Scratchy around like that.
Marge: See? She doesn't ruin the show.
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Ruin the Itchy & Scratchy Show
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios or Brown House
On job start:
Disapproving Squirrel: Your sock drawer is a mess, Scratchy!
Scratchy: I don't wear socks.
Disapproving Squirrel: Before you go out to play, I want you to iron and fold every pair, twice.
Disapproving Squirrel: A well-starched pair of socks is a step in the right direction.
Scratchy: *laughs* ...That was a cue for me to laugh at your joke, right?
Disapproving Squirrel: Less laughing, more starching!
On job end:
Lisa: Well, that didn't take long. How many times can one show get ruined?
Bart: It was funny when she made him iron his socks at least.
Marge: *gasp* I was hoping a good role model would help you shape up, not turn you into a completely different person.
Marge: That squirrel has got to go before you turn into *shudder* the Flanders kids!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 4
Auto starts
Quimby: Order! We've had a number of complaints about this "Disapproving Squirrel”. All from the same person: Marge Simpson.
Marge: I don't like the way that squirrel is making my kids act!
Helen Lovejoy: Really now Marge, I would have thought you'd be in favor of Disapproving Squirrel. The two of you could practically be twins.
Marge: What? We have nothing in common.
Homer: You do sorta have the same hair, and make the same face when you scold me.
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that!
Homer: *chuckles* See? I almost kissed the squirrel thinking it was you! Do it again!
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Imitate Marge
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall or Brown House
Quimby: Yes, I can, er, really see the resemblance. I don't know whose vote to solicit.
Artie Ziff: Is that squirrel single??
Dr. Hibbert: *holds up x-rays* Even the bone structure is the same!
Marge: That squirrel and I are nothing alike! I'll prove it to you.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
A Tough Nut to Crack Pt. 5
Disapproving Squirrel starts
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that! Don't do that!
Marge: No YOU don't do that! Don't tell me what to do!
Marge: Is this really what everyone thinks I'm like when I give them sensible advice?
Disapproving Squirrel: Don't do that!
Marge: I am NOT some ridiculous, killjoy nag. And my hair looks nothing like yours!
Disapproving Squirrel: Your hair is the only thing about you I don't disapprove of.
Marge: That does it! I won't be mocked by some demented cartoon. Get out! GET OUT!
Task: Make Disapproving Squirrel Get Chased Away by Marge
Time: 8h
Requires: Marge
Note: The quest is bugged as it requires Family Fun Pt.1 to start Marge's job, a quest introduced in the Moe's Ark update.
Disapproving Squirrel: I don't need any of you! You're all beneath me, you don't even deserve my scorn.
Selma: Now there's a girl after my own heart. *smoker's cough*
Patty: I agree. How would you like a job over at the DMV? Best place in town to judge all the nuts.
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
The Reality Channel
Auto starts
Homer: Ooh, The Reality Channel! What better way to experience reality than by watching TV?
Duffman: Yes Guy and I have the best idea ever for a reality show!
Homer: What is this crap?! A reality show about pitching reality shows?!
Task: Make Homer Try to Change the Channel
Time: 4h
Location: The Reality Channel
If the user has Duffman: Task: Make Duffman Pitch a Reality TV Show
Time: 4h
Location: The Reality Channel
On job start:
Homer: Can't change channel... show... too... stupid... and... enjoyable...
The Yes Guy TV: Our reality show is so brilliant, you'll forget all about my freakish face and obnoxious voice!
Duffman TV: Watch as contestants pitch us ideas for inventions and we decide whether to say YES and invest in them!
The Yes Guy TV: It's "Predatory Fish Aquarium"!
On job end:
Homer: Hey, that stupid show I hate isn't on! What gives?!
The Yes Guy: We went broke. We were using our own money for the show's investments.
Duffman: Oh yeah! And would you have guessed we wouldn't be able to say NO to any of the inventions?
The Yes Guy: Yeeee-- no, I really thought we could be objective... We're ruined!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Fireworks Factory
Auto starts
Milhouse: Bart, come quick! They just built a Fireworks Factory!
Bart: Seen a lot of factories, Milhouse.
Milhouse: Yeah, I guess an abandoned factory isn't that cool...
Bart: Abandoned?! Why didn't you say so?
Milhouse: I thought the exciting part was the fireworks.
Bart: The word “abandoned” makes everything cooler: abandoned mine shafts, driving with reckless abandon... Let's check it out!
Task: Make Bart Set Off Fireworks in Fireworks Factory
Time: 4h
Location: Fireworks Factory
Bart: Whoa! That was a ton of fireworks!
Milhouse: I still don't see why I couldn't go in with you...
Bart: Because if you were in there with me, it wouldn't be ABANDONED anymore. And that would take away all the fun.
Milhouse: So you're saying I'm the reason it was so cool???
Bart: Yeah, sure... definitely didn't have anything to do with the awesome explosions.
Milhouse: Wow, I helped fulfill a criteria for Bart to be able to have fun!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
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