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8 years ago

Pride 2017: Walkthrough

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems Pt. 1

Auto starts

Homer: I love the Springfield Monstrous Truck Jam! It's the one time a year I can get away from home and drink beer with my friends.
Lenny: What about every night at Moe's?
Homer: That's what I meant by home. You guys get another round -- I'm gonna go use the men's room.
Carl: I don't know, Homer. That's a pretty long line in front of it.
Homer: Hmm...

Task: Make Homer Go Through the Door Marked “Women”
Time: 6s
Location: Moe's Tavern

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems Pt. 2

Auto starts

Carl: Mrs. Lovejoy, I'm surprised to see you here.
Helen Lovejoy: Not as surprised as I am to come here only to learn they don't sell jam! I'm just going to use the ladies' room and leave. Do you know if there's a long line for it?
Lenny: Ask Homer, he was just there.
Helen Lovejoy: WHAT?!
Homer: Hey Mrs. Reverend! Man, there is nothing better than a ladies’ room! The men’s room is for saps! It’s the ladies' room for me from now on!
Helen Lovejoy: POLICE!!!
Carl: I think she’s upset.
Homer: Why? I put the seat back down.

If the user has Helen Lovejoy: Task: Make Helen Lovejoy Phone the Police
Time: 6s
Location: Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Chief Wiggum “Investigate” at Moe's
Time: 6s
Location: Moe's Tavern

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems Pt. 3

Auto starts

Moe: Wow Homer, you really p.o.'d the Reverend’s wife. Now they’re passing a law enforcing use of the proper bathrooms.
Homer: You mean I have to go back to using the men’s room like some common…man?!
Moe: Not until you present me your hospital birth records to prove that's the one you can use. But then, yes.
Homer: But I love your women’s room here! It’s the least used bathroom in all of Springfield.
Moe: And it's gonna be even less used soon. I’m having a Gay Night for Pride.
Moe: If One Night Stan’s wants to steal my business by having a Straight Night, then I can steal theirs! I just gotta do a bit of a promotion.

Task: Make Moe Release Rainbow Balloons Into the Air
Time: 6s
Location: Moe's Tavern

Homer: Good for you Moe! You finally found a use for all the balloons from your birthday parties that no one ever went to.

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 1

Auto starts

Grady: Tuesday is always the worst night – I’m still recovering from the shock of the work week of Monday. And now One Night Stan’s has turned me away! But strangely, Moe’s has some familiar faces.
Julio: I was telling Waylon about the petition to get rid of the new bathroom law. Some little girl named Lisa is heading it up.
Smithers: I still don’t get it – don’t we want to keep women out of the men’s room? You know, cause of the stuff we do there?
Julio: It's not that. This law is going to make life tougher for trans people.
Grady: Whatever. I’m not trans.
Julio: But your handwriting is so much like a woman’s...
Grady: It is not! Gimme that petition!

Task: Make Lisa Collect Signatures
Time: 3h
Location: Moe's Tavern
Task: Collect Pride Badges

On Lisa's job started:
Grady: There! Rainier Wolfcastle should have such a macho signature!
Julio: I thought you spelled “Grady” with an “i”...
Grady: No! A “y”! A “y”!
Smithers: I’m just glad to see so many gay people at Moe's. It seems like the gang is here to stay.
Julio: It is if they buy me!

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 2

Auto starts

Lisa: Dad, if you sign my petition, you can help us get rid of this new bathroom law.
Homer: Of course. I like using the ladies' room.
Marge: Homer! You can’t do that!
Homer: So, I should support the new law?
Marge: No, it’s a stupid law. I’ve already signed the petition against it. But you can’t go around using women’s restrooms! A woman has to have her privacy there.
Homer: So, the new law is stupid, but you're supporting it?
Lisa: No! That law is only going to hurt people.
Homer: It's hurting my head already!
Lisa: No Dad, there are people who may have been raised as boys at first but they’re girls now, they live as girls and need to use the girls’ room.
Lisa: And the ones who now are boys, they need to use the boys’ room. It’s not fair to them, and we have to be fair to everybody.
Homer: Like how I can’t have a second piece of cake until everyone else has had a first piece?
Marge: Yes, Homer, something like that.
Homer: OK...

Task: Make Homer Sign Lisa’s Petition
Time: 3h
Location: Moe's Tavern
Task: Collect Pride Badges

Homer: I signed it. Now can I have a second piece of cake?
Marge: Of course, Homie.
Homer: And then use the ladies' room?
Marge: NO!!!

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 3

Auto starts

Lisa: Mr. Mayor, we’ve gathered more than enough signatures on this petition to have you repeal the new bathroom law.
Quimby: If the good citizens of Springfield want to flip-flop on this issue, then I want to flip-flop on it too!
Quimby: But I wish you people would make up your sweet minds!

Task: Make Quimby Tear Up the New Law
Time: 3h
Location: Town Hall
Task: Collect Pride Badges

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 4

Auto starts

Moe: Cheer up Homer – join the party!
Homer: But Marge says I can’t use the ladies' room.
Moe: Don’t worry – I figured out a solution!

Task: Make Moe Switch the Signs on the Bathroom Doors
Time: 3h
Location: Moe's Tavern
Task: Collect Pride Badges

Moe: Now everything’s just like before – only better!

Pride and Prejudices Pt. 5

Auto starts

Homer: Moe, you’re a genius!
Moe: That’s what this card I got at the fair says.
Carl: Isn’t it just a matter of time before the new men’s bathroom is as disgusting as the old one?
Homer: That’s a problem for future Homer.

Task: Make Homer Go Through the Door Marked “Men”
Time: 3h
Location: Moe's Tavern
Task: Collect Pride Badges

Moe: That’s the secret to a successful business. Give the customer what they want!
Barney: Then why are you always so mean to us?
Moe: That’s the other secret to a successful business. The customer doesn’t know what they really want.

Quest reward: 200$ and 20 XP
Celebration Crosswalks Pt. 1

Auto starts

Quimby: In honor of Springfield's Pride festival, I'd like to show our individuality-
Quimby: -we will copy what other cities have done and paint our crosswalks rainbow colors!
Homer: But we don't even have regular, non-gay crosswalks!
Quimby: You're, uhh, right. First order of business is to paint some plain old white crosswalks - then paint them in a rainbow!

Task: Build Pride Crosswalk

Celebration Crosswalks Pt. 2

Auto starts

Quimby: Now to add some color! Usually something like this would, uhh, close down the road for a day.
Quimby: Barring elephants and women in giant metal spheres, we should be okay.

Task: Tap Pride Crosswalks

Sideshow Mel: Uhh, wouldn't it be faster to just paint them all at once? Or even do colors from the start?
Quimby: If we do colors from the start, then we can’t tell everyone that we painted them over especially for Pride month!

If Pride and Prejudice Pt. 5 is not completed:
System Message: Tap your Pride crosswalks every three hours to add more color and earn Pride Badges!

If Pride and Prejudice Pt. 5 is completed:
System Message: Tap your Pride crosswalks every three hours to add more color!
Armistead's Mopeds

Auto starts

Lisa: Ooo, mopeds! Dad, you should get one. They're much more environmentally friendly than a car.
Homer: Well, I have always wanted to ride around, wind in my hairs.
Julio: You do know that a moped has no 48-ounce cup holder.
Homer: Oh, then forget it!
Roomie Review Pt. 1

Grady starts

Grady: So, Cookie, any luck finding me a new roommate?
Cookie Kwan: Who do you think I am? Of course I have.
Cookie Kwan: There are three potentials, and before you ask, they are all men, and no, I don't know if they're gay.
Grady: Well, what are we waiting for? Send the first contestant over, and I'll decide if I should love 'em or leave 'em.

Task: Make Grady Interview Willie
Time: 4h
Location: Village Apartments
Requires: Willy

Grady: So, what can you tell me about yourself?
Willie: Well, ah've got the keen eyes of an eagle, and ah can go days without sleep.
Willie: Ye'll be safe as a bairn in a cairn with Willie around.
Grady: Ooh, I like the sound of that. I don't know what it means, but it rhymes!
Willie: Does that mean I'm hired?
Grady: Wha?

Roomie Review Pt. 2

Grady starts

Cookie Kwan: Uhh, turns out there was a bit of a mix up. Willie was supposed to be interviewing for a job doing security at the building.
Grady: Oh boo. And I was so excited to live with a burly Scotsman.
Cookie Kwan: Here's the next application. He's scheduled to come by this afternoon.

Task: Make Grady Interview Skinner
Time: 2h
Location: Village Apartments
Requires: Skinner

Grady: Seymour Skinner, eh? And you work at the school! Can I call you Mr. Skinner?
Skinner: Actually, it would be Principal Skinner.
Agnes: Oh, come off it, Seymour. You're not impressing anyone.
Grady: Oooh, this lady must be your mother. How nice of her to come with you.
Agnes: You could learn a thing or two from this fine gentleman. I bet he'd have no trouble finding a wife.

Roomie Review Pt. 3

Grady starts

Cookie Kwan: Sorry, that last one's a no-go. His mother called and said he wasn't allowed.
Cookie Kwan: And I really thought he would work out.
Grady: Guess that's just how the Cookie crumbles. *giggle*
Cookie Kwan: You're not funny.

Task: Make Grady Interview Sea Captain
Time: 8h
Location: Village Apartments
Requires: Sea Captain

Sea Captain: Yaarr, I've been at sea many a day and am in need of a warm bed to rest me tired bones.
Grady: Are you a pirate!? Shiver me timbers ya salty sea dog! Walk the plank!
Sea Captain: Those be hurtful stereotypes, and I'll have ye keelhauled if ye continue!
Sea Captain: Now, if I may be excused, I have to go feed me parrot.

Roomie Review Pt. 4

Grady starts

Grady: You know, maybe I don't need a male roommate.
Cookie Kwan: I can certainly find some women candidates.
Grady: Maybe they don't even need to be human!
Cookie Kwan: Okay, where you're headed, I'm not sure that I can follow.

Task: Make Grady Adopt a Cute Shelter Cat
Time: 12h
Location: Village Apartments

Cookie Kwan: I'm pretty sure last time I checked this building didn't allow pets.
Grady: He's no pet, he's got his own room! We're going to have a great time aren't we, Catsby?

Quest reward: 200$ and 20 XP
One Night Stan's

Auto starts

Grady: Hey, I thought this was a gay bar?
Roscoe: They do a Straight Night on Tuesdays. Stan’s trying to bring in more money so he can buy a new widescreen TV.
Grady: *sigh* I guess we could do something else?
Roscoe: Like what?
System Message: You can now make more Pride crosswalks at One Night Stan's!

Rainbow Balloons Pt. 1

Auto starts

Task: Tap Balloons

Rainbow Balloons Pt. 2

Auto starts

Task: Tap Balloons

Rainbow Balloons Pt. 3

Auto starts

Task: Tap Balloons

Rainbow Balloons Pt. 4

Auto starts

Task: Tap Balloons
Rinse and Repeat Pt. 1

Julio starts

Marge: I think I better come see you so you can fix my hair.
Julio: So soon? You were just here last week!
Marge: Well, you know what they say: It’s called a perm but really should be called a temp!
Julio: Is that what they say?

Task: Make Julio Give Marge a Perm
Time: 12h
Location: Hairy Shearers
Requires: Marge

Julio: I just love doing your hair and listening to you vent.
Marge: Sometimes it feels like this salon chair is a confessional booth.
Julio: Marge, whatever you tell me in the salon stays in the salon!

Rinse and Repeat Pt. 2

Julio starts

Marge: Just wanted to confirm an appointment for today.
Julio: Appointment today? You were here yesterday!
Marge: But there’s a lot more I want to talk about!
Julio: How about if I give your new ‘do a rainbow tint for Pride month?
Marge: That’ll be even nicer than the red and green I did for Christmas last year!

Task: Make Julio Give Marge a Rainbow Color Treatment
Time: 8h
Location: Hairy Shearers
Requires: Marge

Julio: There you go Marge – now your hair really makes a statement!
Marge: That’s good because I’m all talked out...

Rinse and Repeat Pt. 3

Julio starts

Julio: It's your lucky day! You've been chosen to go to a special retreat!
Marge: Julio, whatever do you mean?
Julio: Now, Marge, don’t look a gift pony in the mouth!

Task: Make Julio Host a Special Retreat
Time: 4h
Location: Hairy Shearers
Task: Make Marge Attend a Special Retreat
Time: 4h
Location: Hairy Shearers

Marge: Was that blindfold really necessary? Isn't this the basement of the salon?
Julio: I prefer to think of it as Julio’s Special Retreat!

Rinse and Repeat Pt. 4

Julio starts

Marge: What makes it so special here?
Julio: Here is where I get to sit and enjoy the quiet! Now try some of this delicious acai berry juice – I call it “Salonicide”, because when I sit here and sip it, the salon goes away!

Task: Make Julio Drink the “Salonicide”
Time: 24h
Location: Hairy Shearers

Julio: Isn’t the quiet wonderful?
Marge: It reminds me of when I –
Julio: I said, isn’t the QUIET wonderful?
Marge: Mm-hmm!

Rinse and Repeat Pt. 5

Julio starts

Julio: Well, that’s enough quiet.
Marge: Like I was saying, it reminds me of when I –
Julio: When we’re back in the salon, you can tell me. You know, I used to feel like a captive audience, listening to people, but now I’ve come to appreciate what’s being said to me.
Julio: I love hearing a housewife tell me about her boring life with her troublemaking children and dopey husband and grumpy father-in-law. It makes me feel so much better about my own life!
Marge: I think I’ll try some of that “Salonicide” now...

Task: Make Marge Drink the “Salonicide”
Time: 24h
Location: Hairy Shearers
Quest reward: 200$ and 20 XP
Home Sweet Havana Private Home

Auto starts

Task: Make Julio Have a Siesta
Time: 12h
Location: Havana Private Home

Julio: I feel like a new man! Thank God there’s no embargo on afternoon naps.
Roller Refresh Pt. 1

Smithers starts

Mr. Burns: Smithers, it has come to my attention that you've been spending your vacation days here at the plant.
Mr. Burns: As much as I'd love all my employees to follow your example, these blasted Socialist laws mandate you take at least one day off.
Smithers: Well, I appreciate your caring, Sir.
Mr. Burns: Pish posh! I just don't want to get fined. I command you to take today off. I don't want to see you until tomorrow morning, understood?

Task: Make Smithers Shop for Groceries
Time: 4h
Location: Sconewall Bakery

Rollerskate Smithers: Ahh, nothing like the smell of fresh organic produce.
Rollerskate Smithers: *sigh* Looking at these lumpy potatoes makes me think of Mr. Burns' head.

Roller Refresh Pt. 2

Smithers starts

Marge: Mr. Smithers? I didn't think the plant was closed today.
Rollerskate Smithers: Well, actually I have the day off. Truthfully, I don't know what to do with myself.
Marge: Well, I'm just on my way to do some Yoga. Want to join?
Marge: It's all the rage with soccer moms and single men like you.
Rollerskate Smithers: Plant workers?
Marge: Yeah...let's go with that.

Task: Make Smithers Do Rollerskate Yoga
Time: 24h

Rollerskate Smithers: I feel like a bird let out of his cage.
Rollerskate Smithers: Especially after holding the Uncaged Bird pose for forty-five minutes straight!

Roller Refresh Pt. 3

Smithers starts

Rollerskate Smithers: A night out might be the perfect end to this day. Let's see who's available on my dating app.
Rollerskate Smithers: Hmmm...“Hobbies: outliving my enemies, scheming, counting my fortune, being painted in the nude”.
Rollerskate Smithers: No picture, but it's worth a shot. Swiping right!

Task: Make Smithers Go On a Blind Date
Time: 4h
Location: One Night Stan's, The League of Extra-Horny Gentleman or Mo's

Mr. Burns: Smithers, there you are! My cellular telephone told me I could find you at this establishment.
Rollerskate Smithers: But, Sir. That was a dating app.
Mr. Burns: Nonsense! I was looking for something to help me grind down our employee’s spirits when suddenly you appeared on the screen.
Rollerskate Smithers: Let me grab some drinks, and I'll watch you outlive your enemies while you scheme.
Mr. Burns: Capital idea. Now I was thinking of a twelve-step oppression program...
Rollerskate Smithers: Best. Vacation. Ever.

Quest reward: 200$ and 20 XP
The League of Extra-Horny Gentlemen

Carl starts

Carl: Hey, Lenny, I hear there's a hot new club in town.
Carl: Got a strict dress code and everything. Wanna go tonight?
Lenny: Are you kidding? I've got a closet full of flashy clothes just waiting for the right moment to come out.

Task: Make Lenny Dress Up and Go Out
Time: 3h
Location: The League of Extra-Horny Gentlemen
Task: Make Carl Dress Up and Go Out
Time: 3h
Location: The League of Extra-Horny Gentlemen

Carl: I think this place caters to a specific type of extra-horny gentleman.
Lenny: Yea, you can say that again.
Lenny: Great music though.
The Best-iary Money Can Buy

Auto starts

Homer: Awww, look at the adorable dog-person.
Pharaoh Guard: That's offensive! My name is Rover.
Homer: And look, Maggie, there's some cuddly mice for you to--
Plague Rats: *SQUEEK*
Homer: Ahh! Plague Rats!
Dilophosaurus: ...
Homer: At least this little guy is friendly. I like your Rastafarian neck flaps.
Dilophosaurus: *SHRIEK*

Task: Tap the Dilophosaurus
Task: Tap the Pharaoh Guard
Task: Tap the Plague Rats

Homer: Welcome, everyone! You're no more out of place than the mutant turkey or the hallucinated space coyote.
  • "cool2006;c-1637717" wrote:
    Which characters can u send on a task to collect pride bagers?

    Well so far (and just for the record):
    Round 1: Moe, Wiggum, Willie
    Round 2: Moe, Brockman, Krusty
  • If it helps, I've just started Pt.4 with Moe on the main one and Sea Captain and Comic Book Guy doing the badges

    EDIT: Moe joins the other two earning badges once initial job is done
  • Does anyone know who's earning badges in part five?
    I'd be interested to know who I keep free next.
  • "Lilienwurst;c-1638451" wrote:
    Does anyone know who's earning badges in part five?
    I'd be interested to know who I keep free next.

    Main quest task - Homer. Badges - Grady, Burns, Quimby.