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8 years ago

Football 2017: Walkthrough


Auto starts on February 2nd

Quimby: We need to goose our tourism industry. We're being eaten alive by Branson, MI and Punxsutawney, PA.
Quimby: Even the Santa's Village in Shelbyville is beating us, and they've been closed since Christmas.
The Rich Texan: I have the answer. We build a football stadium and host a bowl game.
Quimby: Who's going to come to our football game when the big one is happening?
The Rich Texan: Everyone who just needs a cheap excuse to get drunk outdoors.
Quimby: We are going to be rich!
Task: Get Cleatus and Place the Football Field

Man in the Grid-Iron Mask Pt. 1

Cleatus starts

Cleatus: It's me, Cleatus, the Fox Football dancing robot.
Cleatus: I'm looking for the ultimate bro to join me at the big game.
Cleatus: All you gotta do is enter my dance-off competition.
Homer: Does it involve being hosed down? 'Cause I look amazing in a wet T-shirt.

Task: Make Cleatus Judge a Dance Off
Time: 4h
Location: Football Field
Task: Make Homer Compete in a Dance Off
Time: 4h
Location: Football Field
If the user has Duffman: Task: Make Duffman Compete in a Dance Off
Time: 4h
Location: Football Field
If the user has Roscoe: Task: Make Roscoe Compete in a Dance Off
Time: 4h
Location: Football Field

Man in the Grid-Iron Mask Pt. 2

Lisa starts

Lisa: Disco Stu, why didn't you enter Cleatus's dance-off?
Disco Stu: I don't dance for prizes, I dance for the glory of disco!
Disco Stu: Also, I fell off my platform shoes and sprained my ankle.
Cleatus: All this terrible dancing. I'm glad that as a robot I can't experience horror and fear.
Homer: Don't worry, buddy, I can fix that.

Task: Make Homer Install an Emotion Chip
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Cleatus Undergo Unapproved Modification
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House

Professor Frink: Homer, don't tell me you've installed my emotion chip into the Fox Football robot.
Professor Frink: I put it into my toaster and now it cries when it burns my English muffins.

Man in the Grid-Iron Mask Pt. 3

Cleatus starts

Cleatus: Thanks to Homer installing a chip, I can now feel the emotion of shame over what I do.
Lisa: Promoting a violent sport that injures young men?
Cleatus: No, working in television.
Homer: Why don't you stay with us while you figure out what you want to do with your artificial life?
Homer: You can pay your way by doing a few jobs around the house.

Task: Make Cleatus Stay With the Simpsons
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Exploit a Depressed Robot
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House

Man in the Grid-Iron Mask Pt. 4

Homer starts

Homer: Hey, Cleatus, where are you going?
Homer: You're supposed to do the dishes and then bend the dents out of my car with your bare manipulatrons.
Cleatus: I'm going back to being the Fox Football robot. You've taught me there are much worse things.
Cleatus: For example, washing your underwear.
Cleatus: Thanks for the life lesson. Here's some tickets to the big game. Never talk to me again.

Task: Make Cleatus Go to the Big Game
Time: 4h
Location: Terminal or Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Go to the Big Game
Time: 4h
Location: Terminal or Simpson House
Task: Make Homer's Friends Go to the Big Game
Time: 4h
Location: Terminal or Simpson House
Characters: Barney, Lenny, Carl, Moe, Mindy, Apu, Ned, Frank Grimes, Otto
  • That was a cold, shameless cross promotion for something i dont care about or even watch, but they gave away a free character.
    So, i like it.
  • "someonewashere;1556577" wrote:
    That was a cold, shameless cross promotion for something i dont care about or even watch, but they gave away a free character.
    So, i like it.

    How many playable characters are we up to now with all that's coming in this update? Is it like 220 or something?
  • Anybody had problems with homers task of going to the big game not being there