Forum Discussion

1-Graham-S's avatar
2 months ago

Princess Opal Problems ??

Have you spent the last 23 months wanting to do the Princess Opal quest task to Read Tarot Cards rather than have her Read Tarot Cards at the Tarot Table ?

If so I'm looking for as many affected players as possible to add their Me Too's or Replies on the following AHQ thread so the Studio can see just how many of us still have this problem.

Log in there with the email and password for the affected game's EA Account.

Posting on that AHQ thread rather than on here is the best bet to get it solved, so I've locked this thread.

PS - for SU's and CM's - I'm putting this notice up on Addicts, Discord and TOUK as well as the Forums, but if you know of any other site or language board this should go on then please repost the above message ( and translate as required ) with my thanks.