Forum Discussion

patzmcm's avatar
9 years ago

Prospectors without names

I didnt know that they even had names until I found one that gave names.
I dont think its related to the missing neighbor though.

BTW...I love your forum avatar :D
  • I still don't have any names when tapping prospectors, and the resource board that comes up says no neighbors helped me when clearly that is false!

    Forgive me if there is another thread that explains this, I haven't found it.
  • Add me to the list. I came to the forum today to see if anyone has the same problem. Someone sent me 8 today and no name. Sorry, neighbor?. I always reciprocate, so please!! pm me so I may return the favor.
  • truenykitty wrote:
    Add me to the list. I came to the forum today to see if anyone has the same problem. Someone sent me 8 today and no name. Sorry, neighbor?. I always reciprocate, so please!! pm me so I may return the favor.

    For those of us who reciprocate - this is a little frustrating. I know some of my unnamed prospectors are coming from the missing neighbors (who can see and go into my town) but it seems at least one of my neighbors who has sent me prospectors didn't get credit on her end. I hope this is fixed soon.
    NYKit - i have sent you some, you have reciprocated, so I am assuming you see me.
  • I also have had no names with prospectors. I also am not seeing who has tapped on my prospectors. I get the notification that somebody has helped me but there are no names, so I don't know who is active and who isn't. I am sorry to my neighbors that I haven't reciprocated.
  • Surfcitygal wrote:
    I still don't have any names when tapping prospectors, and the resource board that comes up says no neighbors helped me when clearly that is false!

    Forgive me if there is another thread that explains this, I haven't found it.

    And I'm using iOS and have yet to see a name when I tap a prospector. <sigh>
  • Surfcitygal wrote:
    I have yet to see names on prospectors I tap. Could it be a platform thing? I'm om iOS

    I'm on an Android, so it doesn't be a seem to be a specific platform sometimes I see names sometimes I don't.
  • niahunt's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    For the first time had 2 without names today,but others were ok. Very odd.
  • I've been dumping on Math....did again this am. Did my name show? I saw yours yesterday. Derekpasteur, sent a few your way names?
  • Snakeyees wrote:
    Surfcitygal wrote:
    I have yet to see names on prospectors I tap. Could it be a platform thing? I'm om iOS

    I'm on an Android, so it doesn't be a seem to be a specific platform sometimes I see names sometimes I don't.

    Thanks for the prospectors. :thumbup:
    But most prospectors I see no name. It's really good for EA. So we throw more money in the game. :roll: