Forum Discussion

simpsonare's avatar
12 months ago

Question for long time players

If you had to start over... would you?
  • No. If something happened to the town i have, i would use it as an opportunity to cut the cord. I play everyday because i love the history of my town’s development, it’s not just collecting stuff.
  • Willy9292's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    I probably would although the heights grind would be tough. I am used to having all the donuts i want so that would be an adjustment. I previously took over far newer games for family members on a break and did enjoy the challenges. In my town at this point its same old same old and few events offer any excitement. The events with new things like monorail tracks on buildings did spark a bit of redevelopment.
    I really miss the old social atmosphere here, there was less complaining and conflict. There were some good friends made who sadly moved on. It's a long time to be playing a game, and lives change. That said i would probably start over.
  • "simpsonare;d-278765" wrote:
    If you had to start over... would you?

    That’s a very good question, something I never thought of.
    After playing for over 11 years I doubt it very much, it would be the trigger for me to say goodbye to the game, even though I’m still tapping every day.
  • No. I've put way too much work into making my main town something that I'm proud of and it would probably take me years to put it all back. I started a second town a year ago out of boredom just to see how fast I can progress knowing the tricks I know now and that was kind of fun. I've never felt compelled to do anything interesting with it though - that's just for my main.
  • "4junk3000;c-2234692" wrote:
    No. If something happened to the town i have, i would use it as an opportunity to cut the cord. I play everyday because i love the history of my town’s development, it’s not just collecting stuff.

    Exactly this for me.
  • Castiel_Touk's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I nuke my main town over a year ago with this name because I wanted to start over with a new account and it was just fun having so much to do.
  • I nuked my A town a while back then didn't like how it was going so it's part re-built and due for a do-over.
    While I was thinking about that I started a 3rd game that's keeping me busy bonus building !!
  • Possibly. I’ve been playing since month two, and part of me thinks that the excitement and joy of experiencing the game from the beginning would be fantastic, but then I realize the days of the Mayan Calendar and the wheel of death are long gone.

    I’d be torn. Every day for 11 years is a long time to go just to stop if something happened.