Forum Discussion

aep1984939's avatar
11 years ago

question on visiting friends towns

Don't graffiti unless you have to it doesn't help your friends with FP or eggs. Also the donut odds are still a 1 in 200 chance
  • Yeah id rather click nothing, than anything but an egg. I suppose its good to know the odds are the same, but in the week leading up to this event i had gotten over 15 donuts... now im just stuck with bad luck i guess getting just a few since the event started. So much for 1-3 each day. Thanks for a quick response dro. I just reached lvl 39and still have things to build and buy... so ill be thankful for getting 213 bucks per tap! Sure is a good amount of extra cash for the visits.
  • I was away for the weekend and didn't get to do all 100 visits each day, but so far I've gotten 7 donuts during the Easter event from tapping neighbors' eggs.
  • Yes and no... i mean if your maxed on friends you have 300 taps per day. For something which is a 1 in 200 chance youSHOULD be getting at least one per day. I dunno.... i think for freemium players like myself it was finally a great addition to the game. A way to EARN donuts. But it seems more random since the easter event started.
  • aep1984939 wrote:
    Yes and no... i mean if your maxed on friends you have 300 taps per day. For something which is a 1 in 200 chance youSHOULD be getting at least one per day. I dunno.... i think for freemium players like myself it was finally a great addition to the game. A way to EARN donuts. But it seems more random since the easter event started.

    No that's untrue it is and always has been random since Friend points were first introduced