Forum Discussion

spritals148's avatar
8 years ago

Question: Rakes?

What's up with the 3 rakes for donuts (18 I think) other the sideshow smacking himself in the face, what are they for??
  • "DaveF-2016;1580336" wrote:
    "adruralo52;1580332" wrote:
    I have a couple of rakes in my garden shed, so couldn't do without any in my Springfield.

    I only bought one to give Sideshow Bob a 60m task and then regretted it after hearing the noise every few seconds..might have been a bit funnier if you also heard Bob's murmuring when he was hit... but as it is it's confined to a far out corner where I can't hear it when I put everyone on 60m tasks ... :relieved:

    I did the same thint and had the same reaction. My rake is now confined to my inventory.
  • Alternatively, if you buy at least 1 more rake and put them far apart, he spends most of his time walking between them.
  • "girl22721;1580467" wrote:
    Alternatively, if you buy at least 1 more rake and put them far apart, he spends most of his time walking between them.

    He does seem to spend a lot of his time struggling to actually get to the rake where I've placed it, and I only hear it very occasionally, so i'm content with it at the moment, but I never knew about that, I thought he'd just go to the nearest rake and stay there for an hour, good to know, thank you..
  • It certainly is a very loud whack if you have your device turned up. Gets annoying after awhile.
  • Jonalinn's avatar
    New Spectator
    I have a few rakes in my park... so any character on their way through can feel free to tidy up ;)
  • "spritals148;1581054" wrote:
    Spring fielders are like teenagers-won't clean anything unless paid :)

    Even then it can be a challenge. I have one at home so trust me when I say this.
  • Always pay them AFTER the work is done! The trick is to pay their friends to do the job, amazing how fast teens will do work anywhere but home!
    Not sure what that's about. :)