Forum Discussion

tadulisthe991's avatar
9 years ago

Quests won't start

Have you done the Lisa and Millhouse walking to school task and then built the treehouse? That should trigger Bart arriving and the task to go skateboarding. If you have and it hasn't triggered then try contacting EA support.
  • As above it is quite possible that you have not completed some of the earlier quests or not progressed far enough on those quests to trigger the next quest as in the earlier parts of the game you can gain xp much faster than complete the quests so your xp level is actually higher than the quest level and now that they have released the xp accumulator to multiply xp this problem will be even more pronounced, what I'm tryingto eexplain although maybe not that well is although you are at xp level 15 you might still only be at a level 12 for quests as you can aquire xp quicker than you can complete quests and the quest book can only have so many active quests in it at any time.