Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
10 years ago

Randomly resetting Krustyland visitors

Same thing happened to me this morning.
I'm guessing that the game's not syncing after visiting KL properly. It was the last thing I did this morning, but usually I collect a couple of things/put people on tasks when I return, so maybe that helps.
  • I wish people would visit my KL. I put a lot of time into that design.
  • Linkwick wrote:
    Same thing happened to me this morning.
    I'm guessing that the game's not syncing after visiting KL properly. It was the last thing I did this morning, but usually I collect a couple of things/put people on tasks when I return, so maybe that helps.

    The problem with your theory is: it's only the visitors that have reset. Nothing else that had tickets hovering over it has tickets. If it wasn't syncing then everything I tapped should be reset. Especially since I do the visitors first to get them out of the way so I can see the tickets on the rides.
  • wadebear wrote:
    Linkwick wrote:
    Same thing happened to me this morning.
    I'm guessing that the game's not syncing after visiting KL properly. It was the last thing I did this morning, but usually I collect a couple of things/put people on tasks when I return, so maybe that helps.

    The problem with your theory is: it's only the visitors that have reset. Nothing else that had tickets hovering over it has tickets. If it wasn't syncing then everything I tapped should be reset. Especially since I do the visitors first to get them out of the way so I can see the tickets on the rides.

    Mine wasn't registering anything (eg. SSY balloons were still untapped). It was as if I never visited.
  • cdepast wrote:
    I wish people would visit my KL. I put a lot of time into that design.

    People do.. :mrgreen:

    I stinked your KL.. Btw.. That is one of the best KL I've seen, your forests look like.. Umm forests.
    Lot's of great little touches, excellent use of the trash. Well done! You should really post it in the Showcase!
  • Well, it just happened again - in BOTH my games. I tapped everything out in Springfield then went to Krustyland and tapped everything out there. I waited a few minutes to sync my characters to the daily Project Board reset time, then put everyone on task. Went back to Krustyland to save... Visitors had tickets. Just the visitors, nothing else.

    I had been gone from the game for over 10 hours... Could that be a factor?