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26c9ea8792261de's avatar
11 years ago

Really bizarre schedule

Yes you will be.


  • inusiax wrote:
    It is accurate. Go to "long number 1 tasks" and it's all explained there.

    Well, the part of kevfd's post that has me baffled is that he sets his tasks in the two towns simultaneously.

    There are only three possibilities:
    The calendar is inaccurate for some people. ( entirely possible ... Hope it is rare, though)
    He is setting the towns at the moment the parchment resets and one town picks up a different pattern than the other town. (That is highly unlikely that the timing would be exactly at the moment he resets.)
    He happens to be using two devices and one is set in profile for another timezone (again highly unlikely, but worth a mention. I'm grasping at straws here.)

    Kevfd, - if you have the information -- feel free to send me (PM would be fine!) what those schedules were, or if you could track them for a couple days? If this is a bug for you, and others see a similar pattern there might be something I can find that would still predict for you? No problem if you don't send me that!

    For the record, decoding cryptic stuff is something I absolutely love to do. I'm far from perfect at it, but might be able to find a pattern in your glitchiness.
  • Neglecterino wrote:
    LinusB09 wrote:
    I know that this is covered in other threads, but my experience is so weird that I don't want to bury it on the umteenth page of wherever.

    The past four days have offered me the easiest Number 1 schedules.

    16 hours total, 16 hours, 13 hours and today's at 7 hours total. ! 7 hours !

    I am not complaining, but this has been so odd in comparison to the breakdown on Topix. Yes, in the other threads I have read the mathematical - time zone - coding - string theory - dark matter is expanding the universe with numbers explanation. :wink: (I really do appreciate the efforts to explain it in a way that is understandable, alas, it is still Greek to me.)

    As long as I start my first task at midnight, the timing of the other tasks is so doable, that it is 4:30 in the afternoon for me, and I have finished all four tasks today.

    I don't believe in luck at all, but I hope I haven't jinxed myself. Watch, tomorrow I'll be saddled with a twenty hour total.

    I also had a 7 hour day today (1,2,2,2), but 8 hour yesterday as (1,2,4,1).
    Of course you had yesterday as (6,2,4,1), as you now understand why from other posts.

    And now off topic, it is dark energy expanding the universe. Dark matter is holding the galaxy together. :)


    Thank you for the dark energy -vs- dark matter correction. I did not realize there was a distiction. This sort of info. actually makes more sense to me than the coding explanations. Also, more interesting.
  • Whether the schedule is correct or not, it's important to get as many as you can completed. The main factor is to get all the prizes.

    All this talk about food appetizers is making me famished :)
  • Today was a long day for me, i hate that i constantly get short tasks when the timer resets at midnight. Right now i sent my character to do the last 4 hr task, at 7:59. It's going to be super close! :-o
  • jerryscrip988 wrote:
    I'm not certain, but I don't think my tasks have matched this calendar at all. I'm beginning to get a bit angry about not being able to finish all four tasks without screwing with my life outside the game. We are not supposed to use our phones at work, which makes it almost impossible for me to complete all four tasks each day. These long tasks have made an otherwise superb event into an exercise in frustration on many days!

    Best anyone could offer you is to take where your time zone is in comparison to the chart's apparent midnight Alaskan Time start and take the tasks that start before midnight EA time and combine the second, third, or fourth tasks that are supposed to be done for the day. That will give you your true schedule.

    It'll be a bit of work, but it's better than guessing.
  • jerryscrip988 wrote:
    I'm not certain, but I don't think my tasks have matched this calendar at all. I'm beginning to get a bit angry about not being able to finish all four tasks without screwing with my life outside the game. We are not supposed to use our phones at work, which makes it almost impossible for me to complete all four tasks each day. These long tasks have made an otherwise superb event into an exercise in frustration on many days!

    Even though I know how to predict my hours for the tasks, and I've not missed the 1000 once, it is a LOT of work. Not to everyone's taste. Maybe you can find some other substitute for those 400 you are missing by missing the fourth task?

    Maybe this idea would work for you... If you are not maxed out on friends just 30 new friends visiting you daily could give you 450! You'd might have to arrange it with them so you are clearing the pyramids they left in a timeframe that gives you the max of 5 each (within 2 hrs of their click). Be sure to return the favor and visit them. At 1 min a friend that will cost you 30 mins.

    Good luck with making your personal goals for the event!