Forum Discussion

avtkrmn's avatar
11 years ago

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He's a US Treasury Officer who was sent to Springfield to enforce Prohibition. He's against drinking.

He's actually participated in a lot of the multiple character tasks like the Fleet-a-Pita, Eat at Luigis, Storm Police Station, etc..
  • avtkrmn wrote:
    a government official that doesnt drink ... hahah!

    I don't know about the US, but here in the UK that's usually part of the job description, being an alcoholic that is. :mrgreen:
  • avtkrmn wrote:
    why is it he can never do any of the jobs the rest of the characters can do? i mean the aliens can go to the bar and so can the witch, but rex cant! what is up with that. why is he always left out. he couldn't do the spending gift cards task either.

    Yes guy Brandine and Kumiko also can
  • In this case, he's anti alcohol, so it's only logical that he does not participate in this particular event.
  • I like that they put the thought into it, to not have him do the task, because of the prohibition thing. :) It's the little things. :)