On the plus side, I've learned my FT favorite routes off my road area (I effectively have a screen full of road, below my LZ, for my own and neighbors' sanity...) so I can just pan to where they're likely to go and then tap them. If it doesn't work, FL and back!
And while the IRS building sucks a bit for the expanded tapping (hence my campfire not being in the middle of the road area), it does make the rest of the event easier. Take out 6 snakes and 4 finished characters at once? OK! :twisted:
My suggestion is to try replacing all of your roads aside from an easily-tappable good-sized section with pavement for the duration of the event (it'll make your outside tasks and nightmares easier to deal with, and provide a known place for your terrors to spawn) and to make sure your IRS building works. (Also, keep your road area near your campfire and it appears that it's best to keep it touching your Squidport.)
Remember, if you scroll less, you'll lag less AND tap fewer things you don't want to! :D