Forum Discussion

Jarfermeister's avatar
13 years ago

Rogue Zombies!!

Yes, I get that as well

4 Replies

  • Yes. This happens a lot to me, although only if I have been logged out for a while. One human and one pet.
  • I've noticed it happening every few hours. I don't mind at all.
  • This has happened to me too, only one human and one pet, it happens once every couple of house and normally when the cemeteries are not done rejuvenating. Not that I mind at all, the more treats the better! :)

    When I open the app, and I hit "tap" to go into the game from the loading screen, I listen carefully, if you listen you will hear a zombie moan, that means that there are zombies roaming in your town. Pretty sure people knew that though lol.
  • It appears to be part of the game since the Halloween update, whether you build the cemetery or not.
    Everyday I get either a zombie dog or cat and a zombie man or woman suddenly appear from nowhere.