Forum Discussion

PotBellyPigeon's avatar
4 years ago

Sea Captain Sleigh

I was looking forward to seeing if the Sea Captain had a visual task at the Sleigh called "Drive the Penguin Sleigh" or something along those line and that it would've been another sleigh task like Santa Homer, Ms. Claws at the Crazy Cat Sleigh and Maggie and Marge at the Greyhound Sleigh but I'm pretty disappointed that he didn't get a task at the sleigh. It was one of the very few disappointments I had in this event.

It reminded me of Nana Sophie Mussolini's Vineyard and Virgil's Cabin in which Nana Sophie Mussolini and Virgil Simpson don't even have a task at these items which has their names attached to them.

I hope that if EA decided to release a Chimp Sleigh and Hound Sleigh, they add visual tasks for Krusty, Mr. Burns (or White Witch Burns) and Smithers to drive their sleighs.
  • Thanks @wadebear for the idea, but I was already ahead of you there.
    First thing I tried was the store/synch/reboot the ghost ship option, when that didn't work I tried the same with the character but neither option would trigger the quest.
    I'm pretty sure that like @smharris129 I scored the ship from the yearbook so there was probably an event specific task that needed to be completed in the original event to trigger it.
    At this point the only other option is to store the ghost ship permanently as that removes the quest from his list, but I like the design of the area I have it in (plus it has a 5% bonus) so that's not gonna happen.
    I'll just have to put up with it I think & hope that I eventually forget it's there, at least it doesn't have an icon in the taskbook to constantly remind me.
  • I was hoping for exactly the same thing @PotBellyPigeon, I even kept Sea Captain back when I put everyone else on 24hr tasks and all I discovered was that he had a glitched quest from way back (6 hrs - swab the ghostly deck) which I hadn't even noticed before but that now is gonna bug the hell outta me just cos I know it's there.
  • "TheRealTiminator;c-2178278" wrote:
    I was hoping for exactly the same thing @PotBellyPigeon, I even kept Sea Captain back when I put everyone else on 24hr tasks and all I discovered was that he had a glitched quest from way back (6 hrs - swab the ghostly deck) which I hadn't even noticed before but that now is gonna bug the hell outta me just cos I know it's there.

    Store the ghost ship (I forget which one it is) then go to Krusty I mean the Neighborhood and back. Close your game. Open the App Manager and swipe it away. Turn off your device. (Seriously! How do you people NOT do these simple things when you have a problem?)
    Now have the Sea Captain try to do the quest. It should take you to the ship in inventory.
  • I tried the suggested solution but it didn't work in my case. I think I got the Ghost Pirate Airship from the Yearbook Mystery Box. Oh well.
  • has ANYONE asked EA if the penguin sled is EVER DRIVEN by someone like the captain. it say arr when you tap on it.