Forum Discussion

lloydearwa87's avatar
4 years ago

Search Bar?

So now as many have pointed out, the are 100s of characters in the game. Do you think EA will consider a search bar to search for characters (in the town hall either alongside or replacing the scrolling feature)? I feel it would be much easier. Does any one else think this?
  • We've been asking for this or some alternative for years. So, no, I don't think they will.
  • "KLmaker;c-2181921" wrote:
    I won't say when Hell freezes over, more, when Springfield Heights gets expanded, Krustyland expansion comes back, able to sell or dump anything we don't want in Inventory, the return of Crafting but likeable, return of Friend visits, rollback and Icon glitches gone and the Portrait Function works.
    Have I missed anything?

    Unlimited items in the town ?
  • How about a “collect all tasks” button, and while we’re at it a “send all characters on animated tasks” option in the employment agency :)
  • I won't say when Hell freezes over, more, when Springfield Heights gets expanded, Krustyland expansion comes back, able to sell or dump anything we don't want in Inventory, the return of Crafting but likeable, return of Friend visits, rollback and Icon glitches gone and the Portrait Function works.
    Have I missed anything?

  • "KLmaker;c-2181921" wrote:

    Have I missed anything?

    And more land,

    Freeing up all the bundled back characters,

    The return of the Golden Goose Realty.
  • If we are all in the Wishful Thinking frame of mind, how about the option to always have Premium Skins remain after some task strips them back to basic.
  • If this has turned into a wishful thinking thread then I wish that they would fix the 'glitch' which breaks multiple things in the game including the character finder.
  • "lloydearwa87;c-2181926" wrote:
    "KLmaker;c-2181921" wrote:
    I won't say when Hell freezes over, more, when Springfield Heights gets expanded, Krustyland expansion comes back, able to sell or dump anything we don't want in Inventory, the return of Crafting but likeable, return of Friend visits, rollback and Icon glitches gone and the Portrait Function works.
    Have I missed anything?

    Unlimited items in the town ?

    Duh, sorry, thick 5 minutes.
    :p :p :p

    My place is a bit of a mess, but it kept crashing when I bought a Christmas bundle; was I near the limit and didn't even know it, it did work eventually once I stored a bunch of stuff.