Forum Discussion

vxmarmitex9's avatar
12 years ago

Seasonal decorations/buildings, stored or out and proud?

I have everything out, but I'm running out of room.
  • wolfman905 wrote:
    So far there's been 3 seasonal themes: Halloween, Christmas, and valentines day (did not include thanks giving). So I have 3 islands stemming from my town where I put my seasonal stuff.

    That's a great layout! Any chance I can steal that idea? :D
  • Anything that generates money remain out, including the buildings that don't generate money but are part of characters quests.
  • Everything out, with the exception of a bunch of extra valentines decorations I purchased and stored. The bad dream house and evil shop are a bit hard to place, they are off on a side road. The holiday tree is tucked away behind my prison for now; If I get some extra space, I've thought about making a 'clearing' in a forest area and putting it there, with a handful of the reindeer around it. Make a 'lost' christmas village of sorts.

    I have a little valentines park I made in an extra space I will tear down for the next group of buildings, the valentines buildings have their own little area in my town, ice cream parlor with outside dining area, flower shop next to it, golf course across the street. I'd take some screen shots, but stuck with harp glitch now.
  • Lost Christmas Village? I like your thinking, sounds like a top idea! I'd be interested to see how that turns out if you decide to do it!
  • Will definitely take a screenshot when I get around to doing it(and when I can break past the harps). One of my favorite parts of this game is all the 'hidden' things people have done that tell little stories. I have a pumpkin patch with jackolanterns behind my church; the area behind my power plant has toxic waste spills and barrels along with dead trees.

    One of the towns I've seen tucked the bad dream house back in the woods, and made a 'path' leading to it lined with bushes, one of the better decorating ideas I've spotted. There are plenty of good ideas for displaying the graveyards; My favorite so far is someone that connected the two with pavement and iron railings and filled in the area with benches and trees.
  • Vandaradg wrote:
    Will definitely take a screenshot when I get around to doing it(and when I can break past the harps). One of my favorite parts of this game is all the 'hidden' things people have done that tell little stories. I have a pumpkin patch with jackolanterns behind my church; the area behind my power plant has toxic waste spills and barrels along with dead trees.

    One of the towns I've seen tucked the bad dream house back in the woods, and made a 'path' leading to it lined with bushes, one of the better decorating ideas I've spotted. There are plenty of good ideas for displaying the graveyards; My favorite so far is someone that connected the two with pavement and iron railings and filled in the area with benches and trees.

    Would be very grateful if you did! I agree the little secrets are the best!
  • azchristopher wrote:
    I didn't start until right before Christmas. I hid the Christmas Tree amongst the trees at the top of my town. The only seasonal items I have that aren't out are the snowmen.

    I missed out on buying the snowmen :cry: Guess they mustn't be that good!
  • wolfman905 wrote:
    VxMarmitex9 wrote:
    wolfman905 wrote:
    So far there's been 3 seasonal themes: Halloween, Christmas, and valentines day (did not include thanks giving). So I have 3 islands stemming from my town where I put my seasonal stuff.

    That's a great layout! Any chance I can steal that idea? :D

    Go right ahead good sir :D

    Cheers man, pleasure doing idea business with you :D
  • All themed items are integrated into my decor in some way now. The Thanksgiving balloons were in storage until recently when the ice cream parlour and mini-golf became available. They are part of the amusement park area, along with the elevator to nowhere. The Bart snowman was always filthy, so it blends into the seedy area of town, and the premium melted snowman, Homer, is out and in the nuclear plant/industrial park area. I just don't have multiples of all items out off-season.