Forum Discussion

empathy77's avatar
12 years ago

Seeing Gil on the Level 35 Screen

could be or it could mean Gil will be become a playable character rather than being used just for sales because ususally characters that appear in level screen messages will soon appear a characters in the game

8 Replies

  • cheesypasta1 wrote:
    could be or it could mean Gil will be become a playable character rather than being used just for sales because ususally characters that appear in level screen messages will soon appear a characters in the game

    Would be interesting to see a rundown of level up screens and a comparison of when the character featured on that screen became available.
  • Bet they will have a donut sale coming up soon! This game has taught me a so much a money an how it's not worth spending on these games! It all started for me with those fn scratch off tickets! Just be careful! Gil is normally on there for something to sell donuts not lower the price of already Existing items!
  • If you guys have time! Look free my apps! It's a app that puts up other free apps that you can earn Credits for toward iTunes gift cards or amazon gift cards for downloading an trying free apps on your ipad or iPhone pretty awesom I've earned over 50 bucks on iTunes it takes time to do but very easy an the only risk being is getting addicted to another game
  • In the files there is a unlock image of Gil. So it's only a matter of time before he becomes a playable character

    Lenny and Carl where shown in the Level 15 level up message, and they were available as playable characters at level 27. Same goes for a few other characters...

    Also this means that we will be getting Cookie Kwan soon as she gave us the level 34 message ...
  • I'm curious if it is just an add being as the season primiare is right around the corner that would be a good time for a sale from gill like they did in the final
  • Level 34 featured Cookie Kwan, no sign of her.
    Level 33 was Dr Nick, he was already around at that point
    Level 30 was Cletus, he's been around since level 10 I think
  • Tawhid123 wrote:

    Lenny and Carl where shown in the Level 15 level up message, and they were available as playable characters at level 27. Same goes for a few other characters...

    Also this means that we will be getting Cookie Kwan soon as she gave us the level 34 message ...

    Cookie Kwan has been in the files for some time along with Lindsey Neagle