Forum Discussion

randomtest276's avatar
11 years ago


you mean signs like this? ;)

With the signs we have so far, the above or the stop sign, i very rarely use them so not sure whether i would buy new signs or if i did...use them much. Like the idea tho

7 Replies

  • Actually, I've been thinking about this. What if we had signs much like that in front of the hospital? It would take two lines, each of 10-12 characters. I'd love to be able to put a sign by the entrance to my townhouse complex and to my ugly sculpture park, for example. Storing the signs would take very little memory because you'd store the graphic once and then a small bit of text for each sign; text takes very little space.
  • I'd like a couple of preset signs for ingame cash, one to say "on vacation" one to say "excuse the mess. Redesigning." ,etc.

    I'd also like -- for free or ingame cash -- landing zone directors, to automatically bring the visitor to whatever we want to show off at the moment. The markers could be the size of a single squidport tile, but come in four varities -- square of concrete, grass, roadway and tile. Having markers that blend in to the ground would mean we don't need to worry about decorating around some object that doesn't look right in that area.

    We would only be able to use one marker in our town at any one time. If I have just redesigned my Burns Estate, and it sits on lawn, id put my lawn marker there and they'd be taken to that spot. If I want to show my new Squidport area, I'd swap out that lawn marker for a tile marker and put it on my Squidport.

    Between that nd your sign idea, we could communicate with our neighbors as they visit.

  • Love your idea! I've often thought about a way to communicate with my neighbors. Like: "I've noticed you don't visit my town, I'm gonna drop you like its hot!" But seriously, your idea is awesome.