Forum Discussion

larsyuipo's avatar
9 years ago

Ski lift question

I wouldn't know. Why don't you try it, then report back to us. My lift is in front of the mountain on the right side, clear in the back 40 with the race track, polo house, and billionaire club. As soon as more land becomes available, i'll probably move a few mountains around, make a mountain range, and include a spooky forest, and bring Springfield Falls out of storage. Had to store the falls when I needed the land for the Mall-O-Rail terminal. Until then, I'm not moving anything more.
  • Gary_A_D wrote:
    I wouldn't know. Why don't you try it, then report back to us. My lift is in front of the mountain on the right side, clear in the back 40 with the race track, polo house, and billionaire club. As soon as more land becomes available, i'll probably move a few mountains around, make a mountain range, and include a spooky forest, and bring Springfield Falls out of storage. Had to store the falls when I needed the land for the Mall-O-Rail terminal. Until then, I'm not moving anything more.

    Because I don't have it
  • petehd14 wrote:
    The WHYDW thread has some nice pics:

    Btw, the hill is green like the Springfield Sign most of the year.

    Yeah I looked at it there but I have it planned at a certain spot at the moment and like to see how it looks, most designs at the whydw have it at the front and not like i would like to place it.
  • Not quite sure what you mean either but found this for the winter look. ETA: sorry it's huge, not my image
  • ForumNerds wrote:
    larsyuipo wrote:
    How does the skilift look exactly next to the Springfield sign facing towards the ocean side? Next to the Springfield sign like on the far side not the front side of the mountain.

    I'm planning on getting the sign and once it's re-released the skilift

    I don't know if this was what you meant ... But I can flip things around for another picture if you can describe what I did wrong. That corner of my town is empty, so its really easy for me to move them ... :)

    Thanks! That's what I meant :D