Forum Discussion

zljboz's avatar
12 years ago

So......... When are we gonna a new update?!?!

ANYONE KNOW?!?!? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  • radekcep wrote:
    VxMarmitex9 wrote:
    radekcep wrote:
    cl891 wrote:
    radekcep wrote:

    Are you sure that Android players are almost half of TSTO players? And if I remember Androids didn't have Valentine's cards as well...

    There was a poll taken a few days ago that found about 35-40% of forum members had an android device as their primary device for TSTO. The thread can be found here:

    And that poll also found that TSTO play only 89 players :D

    It's a representation of the population of TSTO players which can easily be extrapolated, so if you decided that 89000 people played tapped out, times each poll result by 1000 to give a rough estimate.

    As you said, if there were 89 000 players so 89 respondents would be 0,1% of all and I think that's simply too few...

    Yes, but I suppose its something to go off nevertheless.
  • Just had a look on the play store, and it's showing the TSTO has had between 10,000,000 and 50,000,000 downloads. Quite a large differential :eek:
    Obviously, out of those that have downloaded it, it doesn't show how many are still playing it. The general consensus is that's it's very popular with a 4.5 stars (out of 5) review rate, so it's possible that most downloaders are still playing :)

    Androids in general are outselling Apple, but that's to be expected due to the number of different android devices on the market.

    I would expect the bulk of the members here to be Apple owners as you've had the game for quite a while longer than us Android users - It will take a while for Android owners to join the forums and even begin to compete in numbers :)

    If and when EA release Origin, I expect there will be an influx of Android members on here, until then, we're are a minority...

    We're kinda used to it though lol
  • SimonLYW wrote:
    Win2Kuser wrote:
    Just had a look on the play store, and it's showing the TSTO has had between 10,000,000 and 50,000,000 downloads. Quite a large differential :eek:
    Obviously, out of those that have downloaded it, it doesn't show how many are still playing it. The general consensus is that's it's very popular with a 4.5 stars (out of 5) review rate, so it's possible that most downloaders are still playing :)

    Androids in general are outselling Apple, but that's to be expected due to the number of different android devices on the market.

    I would expect the bulk of the members here to be Apple owners as you've had the game for quite a while longer than us Android users - It will take a while for Android owners to join the forums and even begin to compete in numbers :)

    If and when EA release Origin, I expect there will be an influx of Android members on here, until then, we're are a minority...

    We're kinda used to it though lol

    I always find the star review rating to be really unreliable. Given the nature of the system people will either give it 4 or 5 stars if they really like something, 1 star if they hate it and what to complain and no one else will bother going back to rate it.

    I agree.
    There are something like 180k reviews with over 10 million downloads.
    I think to be honest, people only generally leave online reviews when they have something to moan about. Which is why I would never take online reviews seriously. The internet is full of doom and gloom lol

    Most people can't be bothered to leave a review good or bad. Something that really ticks me off is apps that constantly 'remind' me to leave a review. If I think something warrants a review good or bad, I'll do it in my own time - those type of apps generally get less :)
  • at this point im locked out of both my accounts even my new one no freinds half the land but im still locked out, everytime they fix a new problem, there is a new one to take its place. EA is a really * company every game has bugs but this game has alot more than any I have ever seen.
  • jordanahley1 wrote:
    Am I right in thinking that the Whacking Day files have been in the game since least year when the game got took offline before the event took place? And all the threads about updates have just been guesswork based on the dates in files a year old that just weren't removed from the game?

    Yes, we're never getting wacking day ever ever again. There's a better chance of Kim Jong Un making friends with South Korea than us getting that particular update :cry: