100% honest, there is currently 10836 pages (and rising every second) of spam. Every page as well has a lot of content on it. Even if its cleaned every day or so that number comes up quite frequently. And almost all posts there are from spammers all over the site. I and others try to filter out any wrong posts and send them back but if we miss a few now and then just ping us and we will take a look but it sometimes may require a bit of time.
You may not see us everyday posting but we are watching. I for an example am here almost everyday but dont post as much as John for an example for this title. Some of us do more background stuff, some simply like to lurk and hide and some post more then others. All comes down to personal preference I guess but we are here, dont worry on that!
Ping me in any thread if needed and the moment I see the ping, I will arrive and same goes for PMs.