Forum Discussion

alucard0633's avatar
12 years ago

Springfield Hospital quest glitches?

I was building Burns Manor before I even received a quest to build the Hospital and I was able to build Burns Manor successfully with no problems at all then not very long after The Hospital became a quest so if I was you I'd go ahead and build Burns Manor you as well as I myself and others I know personally that play should have no problems at all!
  • Lots of people seem to have had the same problem (myself included). Storing the cooling towers (and thus Mr Burns) sorted it for me too, although it wasnt required to store it for any length of time.

    Dont worry about progression with other buildings either, just push on and build them, I had built Burns Manor before resuming the hospital quests, so I now have the quests running in parallel and would also be building Wiggums house if I had the cash.