Forum Discussion

ojbee's avatar
8 years ago

St. Patrick's Mystery Boxes: purchase or not?

My random prize choices are:
Blarney Castle (115 donuts when previously offered)
Duff Party Liner (100 donuts. Offered as low as 75 during black friday sale)
Duff Stadium (90 donuts)
Notre Dame (6h) with Groundskeeper Seamus (150 donuts)
Sham Rock Cafe (12h) with Yupprechaun (when tapped, small amount of $ or xp and it's XP Collider-able. For me, it's $35 and 9/45 xp.) (120 donuts)
Wishing Well (4%) with green Leprechaun (same as Yupprechaun) (100 donus)

I am a freemium player (since 2014, Level 939, have all the land, 160+ characters), and 80 donuts per pick makes me cautious. Is there a compelling reason why I should get all or some or none?
I typically buy items when there are rebates. And I don't typically buy Gil's offers because I sleep fine without having the newest.

EDIT: added previously offered donut prices

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