Forum Discussion

gogators01uf's avatar
12 years ago

Suggestions to EA from an SQA Engineer

Some very good suggestions.

Hope you don't mind but I think there are some other enhancements that can be made;

a) have a dedicated problem section within this forum and have an EA moderator and team working to resolve them and keeping us all updated.

b) have a dedicated improvments/enhancments/suggestions section within this forum..... as above

In both cases we feel that EA are currently ignoring the end user and are pretty annoyed as some have spent loads of money, indeed I'd suggest much more than a premium game for a console.

c) the game should be rotatable and the houses placeable along all four axis, this way you could create proper roads with buildings either side as they are in real life and in the Simpsons.

d) remove the floating dogs head from above Springfield Downs. All other floating items collect rewards whereas this is just to confirm you can place a bet on the dogs if you wish. Could be replaced with a red/ green light to indicate when you can and cannot place bets.

e) make Willy move when he plays the bagpipes, if Apu can be made to be a walking and animated character why can't Willy, it would be brilliant if you could hear him play as well, would also be good if Cletus moved around whilst whittling away.

f) mystery box, it would be great if as you were using premium currency you only got premium currency items within it of at least the value of 6 donuts, that way you'd know you'd be getting value for your donuts.

g) for the land you can't buy, this should be the same colour green as land purchased, this would make the game a little more seamless when adjoining un-purchasable land, like the small strip at the base of the mountains and the land by the waters edge.

I'm sure that there are many more improvements that could be made and here's hoping EA are reading these posts on their forum and start to react to them.

  • Good points made here. I wish we could sticky certain threads so that they can be more visible. Hopefully at least half of these are fixed when they roll out their new update in December.
  • I agree. Additional suggestions I would propose is a potential subscription service for premium customers, similar to a streaming video service (say 5 bucks a month).
    And what you get with that service is access to most of the premium content so long as you're a subscriber. Additionally you would receive a permanent premium building or character (no benches or trash cans) every month you were a subscriber. That building/character would be yours even after you discontinued the premium service.
    Additional perks of the service would include access to a network where you have the option to vote on the next building or character to be released in the monthly update as well as priority with customer service.

    Bottom line EA runs this game on money and this gives them a chance to gauge how much this game is worth to its players.
  • I would love to hear other people's suggestions on how to improve the game.

    -I think co-op tasks would be neat, working together with a friend to complete a task.

    -Perhaps competitions for the best Springfield, with voting on-line and the winner receiving a unique item.

    -Maybe the option to buy donuts with in-game cash, but at really high prices. $1,000,000 for 12 or something. That way maxed out players still have something to play towards.
  • I see many people complain about the game and its numerous issues (such as server connections).
    This is an opportunity to provide solutions or suggestions.
    While I can't guarantee they will be heard by EA at least there is a chance, especially if more people start contributing.
    So again if you have input please post on this thread. Thank you. :)
  • Other ideas:

    -in the same way we can visit other Springfields, next summer they should open up an Itchy and Scratchy Land that players can visit. Maybe players could get the costume/robot characters for completing quests. And Bart would have to shoot a stink bomb in Itchy's mouth.

    -I hope they have Mr. Plow in this winter update... And Barney as well as Santa's Little Helper.

    Looking forward to hearing other people's ideas!
  • Additional modifications/suggestions:

    -Cletus' farm; if there was a way to learn (through quests or items) how to plant additional crops. There is a significant time gap between tomacco (60 min) and silvertongue (8 hours). How about some 4 and 6 hour crops?

    -There are some glitches regarding money for 2 characters tasks, Kent Brockman and Fat Tony; for Tony they are good, he makes $450 and $650 for his 12 and 24 hour tasks (where as most make $420 and $600), however Kent makes $400 for his 12 hour task ($20 less than most). Personally I don't mind the differences but I felt they should be pointed out.

    - It would be nice if more characters had 4/6 hour tasks so everyone could remain on the same schedule. Also more tasks that take place outside buildings would be appreciated.