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9 years ago

Superheroes 2: Issue 3 and Social Prizes Walkthrough

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Band-Aids Box Pt. 3

Auto starts

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice and Unlock the First Aid Kit

X-Ray Truck

Auto starts

Comic Book Guy: Oh I must have the best movie prop collection in all of Springfield.
Comic Book Guy: Nay! All of America!
Bart: Dude, you have a lot of small stuff. You're missing that one big, cool showpiece!

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice and Unlock the X-Ray Truck
Task: Place the X-Ray Truck

Comic Book Guy: Aha! Now does this quell your vapid criticism?
Bart: You've nailed the big part, but an X-Ray truck? Lame!

Sciencewater Pt. 3

Auto starts

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice and Unlock the Sciencewater Pack

Bouncing Battle Baby

Auto starts

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice and Unlock Bouncing Battle Baby Maggie

Little Maggie Had Superpowers Pt. 1

Quimby starts

Quimby: Gahh, there's mice in the city hall vents! Catching mice falls under the Police Department's auspices.
Wiggum: No cop under my command could possibly fit in those vents, let alone someone with my curves.
Wiggum: How about a baby?
Quimby: You monster! The City can't just go around employing babies willy-nilly
Bouncing Battle Baby: *suck suck*
Quimby: Er, well I suppose there is one right there. Perhaps it couldn’t hurt to er, try.

Task: Make Bouncing Battle Baby Clean out the Vents
Time: 12h
Location: Town Hall

Little Maggie Had Superpowers Pt. 2

Cletus starts

Cletus: Say blue-haired Marge, could weez Spucklers borrow that there bouncing super baby of yours?
Cletus: Weez makin' moonshine and needz the trail to the still tamped down.
Marge: I don't approve of moonshine but as long as Maggie's compensated fairly… I'll allow her butt to help.

Task: Make Bouncing Battle Baby Butt Slam
Time: 4h

Marge: Maggie you're back, how was working at Cletus's Farm?
Bouncing Battle Baby: *suck*
Marge: And what did he pay you?
Marge: A jug of moonshine?! I lend my baby out to hill people and this is what you get?!

Little Maggie Had Superpowers Pt. 3

Comic Book Guy starts

Comic Book Guy: Hello, Marge. I'm told you manage Springfield's newest superhero, Bouncing Battle Baby.
Comic Book Guy: I kindly request her presence at a book signing at the Android's Dungeon.
Marge: Only if you pay her! Cletus paid her in moonshine!
Comic Book Guy: No worries ma'am. I only pay in common currency!

Task: Make Bouncing Battle Baby Squiggle Autographs
Time: 8h
Location: Android's Dungeon

Marge: Maggie you're back, how was signing books at Android's Dungeon?
Bouncing Battle Baby: *suck*
Marge: And what did he pay you?
Marge: An Archie comic?! The lowest of the low! People are too willing to take advantage.

Little Maggie Had Superpowers Pt. 4

Moe starts

Moe: Hi ya Midge! I could use your help. I've got this bowling tournament... and my ball's in the shop… if I don't bowl they'll kick me out of the league.
Moe: Now Bouncing Battle Baby there, she's about the size of a bowling ball. I'm just sayin'…
Marge: No way Moe! People keep using Maggie for personal gains. That's not what superheroes are supposed to do!
Marge: No more borrowing Bouncing Battle Baby! She'll do what she wants from now on.

Task: Make Bouncing Battle Baby Bounce Around
Time: 24h

Spirography Factory

Auto starts

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice and Unlock the Spirography Factory

Marge: Homer, have you seen Ned's new paintings? They're gorgeous!
Homer: Gorgeous? I doubt that. Anything stupid Flanders can do, I could do better.
Homer: Well actually... the only artistic thing I can do is make up song lyrics on the fly.
Homer: If only there was an easy way for me to out-do Flanders' art...

Task: Build the Spirography Factory
Task: Make Homer "Draw" "Beautiful" "Art"
Time: 12h
Location: Spirography Factory

Homer: Hey Ned, check out my art that is way better than yours… WAY better!
Ned: Wow Homer, you've done such prepossessing geometric work and those parallel contours are just exquisite.
Homer: Thanks, I guess.
Homer: Outdoing Flanders was way less rewarding than outdoing the dog!

Dr. Lenny's Lab

Auto starts

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice and Unlock Dr. Lenny's Lab

Mr. Burns: Smithers, I'm not happy with any of my current abodes.
Smithers: Do you need another mansion built sir?
Mr. Burns: No no, not just another mansion. All my mansions represent only a part of me, the rich part.
Mr. Burns: I need a house that will represent all parts of me, rich, evil, reclusive.

Task: Build Dr. Lenny's Lab

Dr. Crab

Auto starts

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice and Unlock Dr. Crab

Fishing For Compliments Pt. 1

Dr. Crab starts

Dr. Crab: Looks like I am stuck in zis horrid town.
Dr. Crab: I never realized that being a crab would create so much attention.
Dr. Crab: Perhaps it iz time to return to looking like ze human, and rediscover Dr. Vladmir Krabokov.
Dr. Crab: But zhat will require access to ze uranium, I must find a way to into ze nuclear plant.

Task: Make Dr. Crab Study Nuclear Plant Workers
Time: 12h
Location: Control Building

Dr. Crab: I have located ze stupid one. Now to put my plan into action.

Fishing For Compliments Pt. 2

Dr. Crab starts

Dr. Crab: Hello, I am--
Homer: -- Ooo a talking crab! Either I've fallen asleep in cioppino or the plant's got a new mascot!
Dr. Crab: -- um yes! I am ze new nuclear plant mascot!
Dr. Crab: Please take me into ze plant so I may do my crazy moves for za verkers.
Homer: Wait a minute, bub… first I want a hug!

Task: Make Homer Compromise Power Plant Security
Task: Make Dr. Crab Mascot the Power Plant Workers
Task: Make Dr. Crab Steal Uranium
Time: 8h
Location: Control Building

Lenny: Wow that mascot was great!
Carl: I never knew a dancing, singing crab was what I needed to make me feel better about my job and my life!
Lenny: Hey, anybody see some uranium laying around?
Carl: Nope, none today.

Fishing For Compliments Pt. 3

Dr. Crab starts

Dr. Crab: Hmm, ze workers really seem to like ze mascot act.
Dr. Crab: I shall use it as my cover in ze Kwik-Ze-Mart to get ze final parts zhat I need.
Dr. Crab: Just need one cheap phone charger, an electric toothbrush, and a bag of ze Cheesie Chippos.
Dr. Crab: Ze cheesies are for me, zhey are so tasty.

Task: Make Dr. Crab Steal Machine Parts
Time: 4h
Location: Kwik-E-Mart

Apu: Hey! Where are you going with my stuff, crab person!
Dr. Crab: Oh me? I am not taking ze stuff, I am mascot here to cheer you on!

Fishing For Compliments Pt. 4

Apu starts

Apu: Ooo, Kwik-E-Mart Corp's very own mascot!
Apu: Wait, is this going to cost me?
Dr. Crab: All I ask is one cheap phone charger, an electric toothbrush, and a bag of ze Cheesie Chippos.
Apu: Deal!

Task: Make Dr. Crab Crab Dance
Time: 4h

Apu: Oh how fun! What was your name Mr. Mascot?
Dr. Crab: My name iz Dr. Crab.
Apu: What a fantastically fun mascot name. May I ask, is there a Nurse Crayfish?

Fishing For Compliments Pt. 5

Dr. Crab starts

Dr. Crab: Hmm, it seems as zough people really like having a crab person valking around.
Dr. Crab: Maybe I should stay as ze crab and not become ze human again. Human is zo boring.
Dr. Crab: As Dr. Crab I can live my life plotting vays to kill Radioactive Man.

Task: Make Dr. Crab Build a Death Ray
Time: 24h

Superhero Bonus

Auto starts

Task: Collect Canned Crab Juice

Quest Reward: 1/2/3 Donuts

One Week Wonder Films

Auto starts

Task: Play Felon Battles in Friend Towns and Unlock One Week Wonder Films

Mr. Burns: Smithers, let's make another movie. It'll have to be a blockbuster though. So pitch me a blockbuster!
Mr. Burns: And don't tell me it's hard.
Smithers: You could decide on a subject matter by looking at popular Google searches, sir.

Task: Build One Week Wonder Films
Task: Make Smithers Research Google Searches
Time: 8h
Location: One Week Wonder Films

Smithers: It seems like the popular searches are for cute kittens and free porn.
Mr. Burns: Perfect! We have our movie Smithers!
Smithers: I'm not sure audiences or P.E.T.A. would find that an acceptable story, sir.
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