Forum Discussion

cdepast's avatar
10 years ago

Superior Squad Member (mild spoiler)

I always err on the side of buying permanent things that will help currency collection. Like Spiderpig. Can't wait to get Spiderpig.
  • I'm a fremium player and always complete events with 2 or 3 days to spare but I am always on the game.

    I would recommend waiting until someone posts a calendar and see if you can reach those goals before purchasing the card :D
  • i completed every event with ease without ever buying those licences and i don't plan on buying one this time either
  • if you want to spend donuts on something from this event, spend it on crap silo or tar pits
  • the decision to get one doesn't affect the decision to get other items. It was more a question of do these really help - or is it just as easy to complete without them. I remember a lot of Halloween gripes about not being able to complete the event phases on time. I'd say with compulsive tapping I finished each phase a few days in advance.
  • cdepast wrote:
    the decision to get one doesn't affect the decision to get other items. It was more a question of do these really help - or is it just as easy to complete without them. I remember a lot of Halloween gripes about not being able to complete the event phases on time. I'd say with compulsive tapping I finished each phase a few days in advance.

    well the event just started so its hard to say if you need it.

  • SUM1HATED wrote:
    cdepast wrote:
    I bought the Rigellian hunting license for Halloween and completed each phase of the event pretty easily. There is a similar items offered for this event called the Superior Squad member card that doubles your friend collections.

    My question is, are the licenses worth it? Were the other events hard to complete without buying them? 90 donuts is a lot, but I dont want to stress and I know its only worth it if you buy early.

    Don't buy it, it's a ripoff.
    I bought it it doesn't double house taps, I think it only doubles people taps and they ended well before my house taps did and I don't even have 100 friends anymore.

    I bought it, too but thought it was a ripoff.

    This is what I observed...

    It only cut the amount of taps needed in half.

    For instance, if you're allowed 50 items at 1 per house, with the license you'd get 2 per house but would only need to tap 25 houses. After reading a bunch of posts, I realized that I wasn't getting anything extra by buying the license... it just cut down the amount of taps I needed in order to max out.

    But since I visit ALL of my neighbors everyday during an event, this did nothing for me.

    Now, if you only have a few neighbors, it might be beneficial to you. Otherwise, I truly feel that it's a ripoff.

    If I'm wrong about this, then someone please correct me. I don't want to accidentally give out the wrong information.

    Thanks! :D
  • I got 2 of the 3 top prizes in the Halloween event without needing the license (I didn't get the helicopter thing, because I really didn't care about it so I didn't try very hard to get it). I did visit all my friends every day though, and I hoarded my Gremaliens during Part 2 so I'd get more points in Part 3, because I really wanted the U.B.O.