Forum Discussion

empathy77's avatar
6 years ago

This Event Is For The Birds

Don't know if someone already started a topic about how lame this event is, if so, please merge Mods.

First, I love the music, and I enjoy how it is continuous.

Now on to this event. It is the 2nd big event of 2019 since the Love event launched 1/23/19. In between that time, EA gave us 2 small events and 2 nothing events, I say "nothing event" because Marge the Bat and Class Reunion really didn't give us anything new if at all. Needless to say, 2019 has been the worst year in Tapped Out history and I use the negative voices on this more desolate forum as proof to the disappointment of us Tappers.
So EA finally gives us after nearly 5 months an App Store update on 6/12/19, a big event, something new and exciting. Only it isn't. Nothing about this event is exciting. There are still plenty of characters to give this game some life but instead, EA gives us obscurity. There are recommendations on this forum that EA can learn from, that EA can use to make us care again. But instead, EA give us "Stick Up Walrus" and "Mr. Dirt". Why?
People on this forum have been expressing their concerns that this game is on its last legs and to me, this update does nothing to curb that concern.
Maybe I am the minority here, maybe most people love this event. Who knows, this forum has been so empty lately, there aren't many voices to be heard anymore.