Forum Discussion

land0fcomedy's avatar
11 years ago

This post might come off rude...

Excellent post dude.
  • Excellent post! The irony is most of the people you are referring to probably won't bother reading the whole thing :-)
  • Excruciator69 wrote:
    Land0fComedy wrote:
    There are obvious few people don't understand what a troll is or what a trolls job is. ... All you have to do is ignore such threads or read and go on about your business.

    Why do you excuse the troll's behavior but take exception to a response that condemns the troll for being the blight he is on overall discourse? I get it, he is on your friend's list. That's how you decide who is right and who is wrong.

    Complacency? That is your solution? Ignoring a problem will make it go away? Try that with an overdue bill or a looming project deadline and see how it works out.

    I read a post one time that I can paraphrase to fit the situation that bothers you: All you have to do is ignore responses to the trolls and go on about your business.


    You are right about multiple threads and people that rush tasks and complain about having nothing to do. What did you think would happen when you compressed three weeks worth of activity into an afternoon?

    I don't excuse it but what can you do? Are you on the other side by his computer to tell him NOT to post. You can't control a trolls action. But you can sure leave him under the bridge all by himself so he can freeze to death till he moves on.

    It's pretty simple. If a troll has no1 to talk to or to answer to they will clearly get the point, get bored and move on somewhere else to troll because they see their tactics don't work. Bills and trolls are two differs situations. Trolls will leave after months of negligence but after months of bills they don't leave, they just increase in interest or hits you where it hurts, your Credit. So how can you compare both?

    I added to see his town and if he really hates the game as much as he say or the opposite of what he says. Lookin at his town you can get an idea of how he feels. :lol: Having him as a friend doesn't change my view on him or trolls. Did you even read what I wrote about him?
  • carlamarie669 wrote:
    Jedihntr wrote:
    Land0fComedy wrote:
    Understand the tranny we are under.

    :shock: I am not under any tranny, thank goodness.

    I'm married to a tranny... does that count for anything? :)

    I just did a spit take :lol:
  • Excruciator69 wrote:
    Arlandria606 wrote:
    Corporate greed is actually a good thing, the same way investment bankers being greedy is a good thing. Greedy people are necessary in society.

    It always surprises me how the people complaining about corporate / banking greed are the same ones complaining that they're not getting enough growth in their pension plans and how they're not paid enough for their hard work. It's as if they have zero understanding of basic economics.

    Oh, wait.

    Until they create a financial mechanism to gamble on and blow it and everyone else has to bail them out. That is no longer capitalism when the failures are not allowed to "die" as they deserve.

    A valid point (and an excellent example of why alternatives to capitalism don't work!) but what's important to remember is that the government (in this country at least) were putting immense pressure on the banks to act as they did. Although bailing them out was of detriment to the individuals in the country, the government really didn't have a choice after making the demands they did. I don't think the banks can be blamed for that: they acted under duress, and who wouldn't accept a bailout if one were offered, especially when your job has trained you to grasp all available money with both hands? The real issue was the government meddling in things they didn't understand in the first place. But remember, this is the same government who decided to announce to the world that they wanted to sell a large quantity of gold reserves, immediately lowering its value. So I suppose a basic grasp of economics was far too much to expect from that particular chancellor of the exchequer.
  • Hee Hee! this is great stuff. I just skim the forum for helpful tips and to add an occasional response to something punchy or funny. So I really don't care what people think of me since I really don't know them personally. Fight with a "troll"don't fight with a troll; What is a a troll anyways? I have a loose idea but again, who cares... Its a FORUM which implies people can come on here ask as many goofy questions as they want and post weird and funny things just cause they can... so long as its not offensive. People take things like this way to seriously. If you want a ton of rules and etiquette why not form some super secret clandestine TSTO exclusive members only forum where a master chief decides the fate of all its members posts and boots the sorry loser that doubles up on a previously started thread? Want to create a poll or post a cute kitty pic "hangin' in there"? Automatic censorship and revocation in all future threads. Maybe even suspend those that make spelling mistakes! Now we're talking!!!

    So far as the game itself, I love it. I've been a daily player for I don't know, maybe 6 months and yep I spend real money on it. I have friends that play and strictly don't spend money. Some spend a little now and then and others go "boat load" on occasion. Me, I'm in the middle probably in for $300. I spent $50 on xmas, even bought a 10 pack of spins cause I wanted my houses decorated for the holidays! It's a game. Either you play it or not and the nice thing here is you can play with or without real money if you choose to.

    Land. Of course we all want more land. Come on really??? Maybe we will get more, maybe not.

    And to my complaint- I'm a dumb dumb for not paying attention to the weird teaser quest for the USS Tom Clancy. Had I known that it would be limited time only and so limited that it would be gone in less than a week, I would have scooped it up right away. Now my Squidport will be defenseless against the Mayflower and that army of nutcrackers that mysteriously formed ranks on the dock...

  • moxxee wrote:
    Excellent post! :-)

    Some people just don't get it. Trying to convince people otherwise can be difficult. It's like being colorblind.
    Is this a 3 or 8?
    We could sit here all day an argue about something... And although there may be a correct answer, we will never be able to force people to see things the way we see them. People who are colorblind may see the 3, but not the 8.
    See anything with the above photo? It is a reverse colorblind test. If you have this issue you will clearly see a "no" in the picture. Again, we could sit here all day and argue about who killed who, but at the end of the day sometimes we just have to agree to disagree. (pardon the use of an overused clich?)

    For example, everyone knows jar-jar binks is the greatest Star Wars character of all time. There is no need to argue about it.

    I am very red-green colour blind and cannot see either 3 or 8!

    I was so chuffed when I could see the word "no" in the bottom one until I read yhe text :evil:
  • tiger10036778 wrote:
    moxxee wrote:
    Excellent post! :-)

    Some people just don't get it. Trying to convince people otherwise can be difficult. It's like being colorblind.
    Is this a 3 or 8?
    We could sit here all day an argue about something... And although there may be a correct answer, we will never be able to force people to see things the way we see them. People who are colorblind may see the 3, but not the 8.
    See anything with the above photo? It is a reverse colorblind test. If you have this issue you will clearly see a "no" in the picture. Again, we could sit here all day and argue about who killed who, but at the end of the day sometimes we just have to agree to disagree. (pardon the use of an overused clich?)

    For example, everyone knows jar-jar binks is the greatest Star Wars character of all time. There is no need to argue about it.

    I can only just see it too :lol: but I don't think I could see it if I hadn't known what the numbers are :lol:
    I am very red-green colour blind and cannot see either 3 or 8!

    I was so chuffed when I could see the word "no" in the bottom one until I read yhe text :evil:

    Yeah I can't see the 3/8 very well. I can see it slightly but I think that's because I'm looking for a 3 and 8 :lol:
  • I appreciate the sentiment and glad many people agree but please no more friend request after I made this thread I'm getting like 10 friend request every couple of hours and I already have 99 friends. Can't accept everyone :/. I'm tired of deleting...if your a forum regular just PM I will try to see if I can make some room.