12 years ago
Time between updates
empathy77 wrote: First let it be noted that I am not complaining, I am just mentioning. Level 37 came out November 7th and level 38 isn't here yet. That's the longest span The Simpsons Tapped Ou...
empathy77 wrote:I don't mind the time in between, iv always got somthing to be getting on with :lol: ","kudosSumWeight":0,"postTime":"2014-01-06T14:45:50.000Z","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","hasNextPage":false,"endCursor":null,"hasPreviousPage":false,"startCursor":null}},"attachments":{"__typename":"AttachmentConnection","pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","hasNextPage":false,"endCursor":null,"hasPreviousPage":false,"startCursor":null},"edges":[]},"tags":{"__typename":"TagConnection","pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","hasNextPage":false,"endCursor":null,"hasPreviousPage":false,"startCursor":null},"edges":[]},"timeToRead":1,"currentRevision":{"__ref":"Revision:revision:2691720_1"},"latestVersion":null,"metrics":{"__typename":"MessageMetrics","views":1514},"visibilityScope":"PUBLIC","canonicalUrl":null,"seoTitle":null,"seoDescription":null,"isEscalated":null,"placeholder":false,"originalMessageForPlaceholder":null,"messagePolicies":{"__typename":"MessagePolicies","canModerateSpamMessage":{"__typename":"PolicyResult","failureReason":{"__typename":"FailureReason","message":"error.lithium.policies.feature.moderation_spam.action.moderate_entity.allowed.accessDenied","key":"error.lithium.policies.feature.moderation_spam.action.moderate_entity.allowed.accessDenied","args":[]}}},"archivalData":null,"customFields":[],"body":"
First let it be noted that I am not complaining, I am just mentioning.
Level 37 came out November 7th and level 38 isn't here yet. That's the longest span The Simpsons Tapped Out has gone without a \"Level Up\" update.
I know we've had Thanksgiving and Christmas updates, and whatever you want to call that submarine thing, but 2 months has passed since the last level up.
Personally I am ok with it, the quicker they add levels, the quicker they will use and run out of content, and the quicker one might get tired of the game.
empathy77 wrote:I don't mind the time in between, iv always got somthing to be getting on with :lol:"},"Conversation:conversation:2691720":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:2691720","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:2691720"},"lastPostingActivityTime":"2014-01-06T21:58:18.000Z","lastPostTime":"2014-01-06T21:58:18.000Z","unreadReplyCount":13,"isSubscribed":false},"ModerationData:moderation_data:2691720":{"__typename":"ModerationData","id":"moderation_data:2691720","status":"APPROVED","rejectReason":null,"isReportedAbuse":false,"rejectUser":null,"rejectTime":null,"rejectActorType":null},"Revision:revision:2691720_1":{"__typename":"Revision","id":"revision:2691720_1","lastEditTime":"2014-01-06T14:45:50.000Z"},"ForumReplyMessage:message:2691729":{"__typename":"ForumReplyMessage","id":"message:2691729","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:2691720"},"author":{"__ref":"User:user:189914"},"revisionNum":1,"uid":2691729,"depth":1,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:tsto-general-discussion-en"},"subject":"Re: Time between updates","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:2691729"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:2691720"},"body":"
First let it be noted that I am not complaining, I am just mentioning.
Level 37 came out November 7th and level 38 isn't here yet. That's the longest span The Simpsons Tapped Out has gone without a \"Level Up\" update.
I know we've had Thanksgiving and Christmas updates, and whatever you want to call that submarine thing, but 2 months has passed since the last level up.
Personally I am ok with it, the quicker they add levels, the quicker they will use and run out of content, and the quicker one might get tired of the game.
neuroheart wrote:you can see through time and space, every single atom of their (dalek) exsistence, and you divided them.empathy77 wrote:neuroheart wrote:
I'm glad of it, actually. This is the first time since I started playing that I've been able to bank some cash because I'm finally all caught up on level content. (If I can have a few more weeks, I might be able to afford that zirconia at last.)
Your avatar, I cant look away! AHHHHHHHH
I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words. I scatter them ... in time, and space. A message to lead myself here.
neuroheart wrote:you can see through time and space, every single atom of their (dalek) exsistence, and you divided them.empathy77 wrote:neuroheart wrote:
I'm glad of it, actually. This is the first time since I started playing that I've been able to bank some cash because I'm finally all caught up on level content. (If I can have a few more weeks, I might be able to afford that zirconia at last.)
Your avatar, I cant look away! AHHHHHHHH
I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words. I scatter them ... in time, and space. A message to lead myself here.